ANSI-C program: multi_mosaic.c
multi_mosaic - Mosaic geocoded images with same format, map
projection, and pixel spacing parameters
mosaic <data_tab> <data_out> <DEM_par_out>
<mosaic_flag> <format_flag>
<data_tab> | (input) list of data to mosaic (2 columns), one line
for each input data file (text format): each line of the data_tab has the entries: data DEM_par |
<data_out> | output data file |
<DEM_par_out> | output DEM parameter file. NOTE: If this file exists, then the bounds of the mosaic are read from the parameter file, otherwise bounds including all input data will be computed and written to the parameter file |
<mode_flag> | mosaic mode: 0: value of prior image preferred in the case of multiple valid input values 1: average of multiple valid input values calculated |
<format_flag> | input and output data format flag: 0: float (REAL*4) 1: fcomplex 2: int (INTEGER*4) 3: short (INTEGER*2) 4: unsigned char 5: SUN raster or BMP image files (8 or 24 bit) |
Mosaics 2 scenes of floating point terrain corrected data lv1.gtc and lv2.gtc The projection parameters for the input scenes are stored in the DEM parameter files lv1.dem_par and lv2.dem_par. The output mosaic image is stored in lv_mosaic.gtc with the associated parameter file lv_mosaic.dem_par. Overlapping regions of the mosaic default to the data from the first file encountered that covers a region.
This program supports creation of image mosaics from a set of
georeferenced images each with its own DEM parameter file
describing the coverage area. All of the images must have the
same posting and projection. Since no interpolation is performed,
the map grids must overlay such that there is only an integer
number of samples offset between the different images comprising
the mosaic. This condition can be assured by proper selection of
the DEM parameters at the time when the terrain corrected image
swaths are produced.
The dimensions of the output map can be determined either by
examining all the input maps and letting the program
automatically generate a DEM parameter file that covers all
inputs, or giving as input a DEM parameter with user determined
bounds. The user has the option of selecting either averaging of
pixel values that overlay, or to have the first image written to
a location in the output map as the mosaic value.
Mosaics of data in numerous formats is supported including float (4-bytes/sample), floating point complex (8-bytes/sample), unsigned bytes, and 2 and 4 byte integers. There is also support for mosaicking of SUN raster and BMP format image files.
mosaic, typedef_DIFF.h, display.h