ANSI-C programs: par_CS_geo.c
par_CS_geo - reads COSMO-SkyMed GEC (Level 1C) data as provided
by ASI and creates the DEM parameter file, the ISP SLC/MLI
parameter file and the image file in the format used by GAMMA
par_CS_geo <HDF5> <MLI_par> <DEM_par>
<HDF5> | (input) COSMO-SkyMed GEC product in HDF5 format as provided by ASI |
<MLI_par> | (output) ISP SLC/MLI parameter file (example: yyyymmdd.mli.par) |
<DEM_par> | (output) DIFF/GEO DEM parameter file (example: yyyymmdd.dem_par) |
<SLC> | (output) Geocoded image data file (example: yyyymmdd.geo) |
20080108.mli.par 20080108.dem_par 20080108.geo
Reads the COSMO-SkyMed SCS file par_CS_SLC
and generates:
20080108.mli.par - ISP SLC/MLI parameter file
20080108.dem_par - DIFF/GEO DEM parameter file
20080108.geo - GEC geocoded image
par_CS_geo is the
interface between COSMO-SkyMed GEC data in the format provided by
ASI and the format used by GAMMA software. GEC means geocoded
ellipsoid corrected. COSMO-SkyMed GEC data are provided in an
single file consisting of the image data and a set of
annotations. The file is in HDF5 format. This program reformats
the input file to obtain the geocoded image data and to extract
the key parameters required by the DEM parameter file and the
GAMMA ISP/SLC parameter file. The DEM parameter file contains the
image dimensions, sample spacing and map projection parameters.
The ISP image parameter file contains the data, polarization,
date, and state vector information.
Currently supported map projection for these products is Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM).
Users Guide, typedef_ISP.h,