GAMMA Interferometric Point Target Analysis Software (IPTA): Reference Manual


ANSI-C program: ts_rate.c

ts_rate - Calculate linear fit of the unwrapped-phase time-series

ts_rate  <DISP_tab> <RMLI_tab> <itab_ts> <sigma> <rate> <const> <sigma_ts>

<DISP_tab> (input) list of unwrapped phase or displacement files in the time-series (text)
<RMLI_tab> (input) list MLI images and parameter files that are associated with the entries of  the DISP_tab
NOTE: the number of range and azimuth looks must match the values used for the input interferograms
<itab_ts> (input) single-reference itab describing files in the DISP_tab (text)
<sigma> (input) phase sigma for interferogram in the DISP_tab (enter - for all equal)
<rate> (output) phase or displacement rate/year
<const>  (output) phase or displacement constant
<sigma_ts> (output) standard deviation of output fit relative to the input data  


ts_rate DISP_tab RMLI_tab itab_ts ts_rate ts_const ts_sigma

Performs a linear regression of the displacement phase time series files listed in the DISP_tab. These interferograms correspond to the entries of the single-reference itab_ts file. The acquisition dates  for the single-reference time series are stored in the RMLI image parameter files listed in the RMLI_tab.  The output estimates of the deformation rate in radians/year is stored in the ts_rate file. The offset constant of the fit is stored in the ts_const file and the standard deviation of the phase relative to the linear fit is stored in the ts_sigma file for each point in the series.


ts-rate  performs a linear regression on a time-series of phase or deformation for each point. The output slope of the fit is the linear rate of phase or deformation along the line of sight (LOS). The output rate is in units of radians/year or meters/year depending if the input data are interpreted as phase or displacement. 

The constant parameter of the regression is stored in the ts_const file and can be interpreted as the phase or displacement for the reference time. 

The file sigma_ts is the standard deviation of the fit with respect to the time-series input data.  Large values for sigma_ts indicate either large non-linear deformation or atmosphere. Another possibility for large values of sigma_ts is that there are phase unwrapping errors in a number of the scenes.

The DISP_tab file can be created using the mk_tab script for the stack generated by mb.

Display of the output data can be performed using disdt_pwr24 and rasdt_pwr24.

mbmk_tab, disdt_pwr24disp2ras, rasdt_pwr24

© Copyrights for Documentation, Users Guide and Reference Manual by Gamma Remote Sensing, 2012.
UW, CW, TS, last change 8-Jun-2012.