Gamma DIFF Reference Manual: mk_tab


Perl Script: mk_tab

mk_tab - Generate SLC_tab, MLI_tab, or RAW_list for processing

mk_tab <dir> <ext-1> <ext-2> <tab>

<dir> (input) directory including paths that contain the data files
<ext-1 > (input) pattern to select data files (examples: slc, raw...) 
<ext-2> (input) pattern to select parameter files that match the data (enter -  for none, examples: slc.par, raw_par, raw.par)
<tab> (output) list of data filenames and associated parameter files (including paths) (text) 


mk_tab slc slc slc_par SLC_tab

slc/19990915.slc    slc/19990915.slc.par

slc/19991020.slc    slc/19991020.slc.par

This example generates an SLC_tab from the slc files and slc parameter files in the slc directory. 

mk_tab slc_WBs 20071020_?.slc slc_WBs 20071020_?.slc.par SLC_WBs_20071020_tab
slc_WBs/20071020_1.slc slc_WBs/20071020_1.slc.par
slc_WBs/20071020_2.slc slc_WBs/20071020_2.slc.par
slc_WBs/20071020_3.slc slc_WBs/20071020_3.slc.par
slc_WBs/20071020_4.slc slc_WBs/20071020_4.slc.par
slc_WBs/20071020_5.slc slc_WBs/20071020_5.slc.par

This example generates an SLC_tab from only a subset of the files contained in the slc_WBs directory using the "?" single character wildcard.


The image and image parameter files should be  colocated in the same directory.  The files listed in column 1 of the output tab file has the extension specified by the ext-1 command line parameter and column 2 has the value specified by the ext-2 parameter.  If " -" is entered for ext-2, only a single column list is produced.

The tab files are used by mk_mli_all and the the series of scripts for the formation and processing differential interferomgrams including mk_diff_2d and related scripts


Copyright for Documentation, Users Guide and Reference Manual by Gamma Remote Sensing, 2011. UW, CW,
last change 7-Jun-2011