GAMMA Interferometric SAR Processor (ISP) Documentation

ISP Users Guide

The Users Guide gives an introduction on the Gamma Interferometric SAR Processor (ISP). It tells the user the functionality of the software and in what order the programs are typically used to co-register SAR data, generate interferograms, estimate the interferometric correlation, conduct phase unwrapping, derive interferometric height maps, and resample the interferometric products to ortho-normal coordinates.

ISP Reference Manual

The Reference Manual describes the individual programs of the Gamma Interferometric SAR Processor (ISP). It tells the user what a certain program does and how it is used.

ISP Installation

The Installation Manual provides information on how to install the software. If you have the source code distribution, there is information on how to compile and link the source code.
© Copyrights for Documentation, Users Guide and Reference Manual by Gamma Remote Sensing, 2013.
UW, CW, last change 15-Aug-2013