Gamma ISP: Reference Manual

ISP CSH Scripts

csh-scripts: */ISP/scripts

One category of csh scripts are used to read the SLC data tapes provided by a number of receiving stations.
Other csh scripts support the efficient use of the ISP. The use of scripts to optimize the use the ISP by running several programs in an automated sequence (guided by the script) is highly recommended. These scripts may also be taken as an example to write new scripts, matching the exact user demands. These scrips can also run under the bash shell.


Scripts to read SLC, SLCI, and PRI data tapes:

ERS_SLC_ASF READ SLC data processed by the Alaska SAR Facility (ASF)
ERS_ESA_SLC Read SLC data processed by the German-PAF (DPAF) or by ESA-ESRIN
ERS_ESA_PRI Read PRI data processed by one of the ESA PAFs

Scripts to automate use of ISP:

INTF_SLC Interferogram generation script using fringe visibility or correlation of intensity images to estimate the offset field. The interferogram is generated by calculation of the resampled SLC with program SLC_interp and then calculation of the interferogram in a second step with SLC_intf
SBI_INT Split-beam interferogram generation script for two co-registered SLC images - as used for along-track motion estimation or ionospheric delay estimation. The two co-registered SLCs are azimuth band pass filtered using the program sbi_filt, the combined interferogram is calculated (DIFF program comb_interfs) and multi-looked using multi_cpx. The normalized squint separation of the two azimuth subband images, the range and azimuth looks can be specified. Furthermore, it is possible to specify if the azimuth spectrum weighting should be compensated or not.
UNWRAP Phase unwrapping script, no ISP parameter file required
UNWRAP_PAR Phase unwrapping script using ISP parameter file values

Using the scripts without arguments returns information on the input parameter list.

Copyrights for Documentation, Users Guide and Reference Manual by Gamma Remote Sensing, 2011.
UW, CW, last change 28-Nov-2011