(ASCII file) such as <orbit1_orbit2>.off
<orbit1_orbit2>.off - contains parameter values used by the
Interferometric SAR Processor ISP. The ISP offset/processing
parameter file contains the information on the co-registration of
the SLC image pair, the image section to be processed, and
parameters used or determined during the processing. This file is
usually created using create_offset.
EXAMPLE: 8059_8560.off, ERS-1 Death
title: | Death Valley Orbits 8560 8059 |
initial_range_offset: | -11 |
initial_azimuth_offset: | 1 |
slc1_starting_range_pixel: | 12 |
number_of_slc_range_pixels: | 4900 |
offset_estimation_starting_range: | 128 |
offset_estimation_ending_range: | 4784 |
offset_estimation_range_samples: | 32 |
offset_estimation_range_spacing: | 146 |
offset_estimation_starting_azimuth: | 512 |
offset_estimation_ending_azimuth: | 4817 |
offset_estimation_azimuth_samples: | 16 |
offset_estimation_azimuth_spacing: | 270 |
offset_estimation_window_width: | 12 |
offset_estimation_window_height: | 12 |
offset_estimation_threshold: | 3.00 |
range_offset_polynomial: | -1.0508e+01 -3.6019e-04 9.8214e-05 -1.33268e-12 |
azimuth_offset_polynomial: | 2.1188e+00 -9.8766e-05 -4.5460e-06 5.36737e-13 |
slc1_starting_azimuth_line: | 100 |
interferogram_azimuth_lines: | 2520 |
interferogram_width: | 2450 |
first_nonzero_range_pixel: | 8 |
number_of_nonzero_range_pixels: | 2439 |
interferogram_range_looks: | 2 |
interferogram_azimuth_looks: | 2 |
interferogram_range_pixel_spacing: | 15.81184 m |
interferogram_azimuth_pixel_spacing: | 39.96044 m |
resampled_range_pixel_spacing: | 0.00000 m |
resampled_azimuth_pixel_spacing: | 0.00000 m |
resampled_starting_ground_range: | 0.00000 m |
resampled_pixels_per_line: | 0 |
resampled_number_of_lines: | 0 |
title: | ASCII string with title of the interferogram |
initial_range_offset: | initial slant range offset estimates (integer number of pixels). Coordinates are given in terms of image 2 relative to image 1 |
initial_azimuth_offset: | initial azimuth offset estimate (integer number of complex pixels). With an identical object having the (slant range, azimuth) coordinates (268,1805) in SLC-1 and (250,1930) in SLC-2 the azimuth offset estimate is 125. |
slc1_starting_range_pixel: | Slant range of first range sample to be used for interferogram. |
number_of_slc_range_pixels: | width of interferogram (number of samples in slant range direction) to process. |
offset_estimation_starting_range: | Sampling for precision co- registration: starting range sample, (range values are relative to the selected interferogram, i.e. for an interferogram with a width of 800 pixels starting at range pixel 1035 (relative to SLC-1) the range interval (rstr,rend)=(50,750) is a reasonable choice). |
offset_estimation_ending_range: | Sampling for precision co- registration: ending range sample. |
offset_estimation_range_samples: | Sampling for precision co- registration: number of samples in range direction. |
offset_estimation_range_spacing: | Sampling for precision co- registration: spacing of samples in range direction (in pixels). |
offset_estimation_starting_azimuth: | Sampling for precision co- registration: starting azimuth sample (azimuth values are relative to SLC-1). |
offset_estimation_ending_azimuth: | Sampling for precision co- registration: ending azimuth sample, (azimuth values are relative to SLC-1). |
offset_estimation_azimuth_samples: | Sampling for precision co- registration: number of samples in azimuth direction. |
offset_estimation_azimuth_spacing: | Sampling for precision co- registration: spacing of samples in azimuth direction (in SLC pixels). |
offset_estimation_window_width: | Search window size in range pixels (centered at initial offset estimate) used to estimate offset at each sample. |
offset_estimation_window_height: | Search window size in azimuth pixels (centered at initial offset estimate) used to estimate offset at each sample. |
offset_estimation_threshold: | Fringe SNR threshold to save offset estimate or discard. |
range_offset_polynomial: | range offset as a bi-linear function of range and azimuth. range coordinate is relative to first range pixel of interferogram (nofstr). azimuth coordinate is relative to SLC-1. |
azimuth_offset_polynomial: | azimuth offset as a bi-linear function of range and azimuth. range coordinate is relative to first range pixel of interferogram (nofstr). azimuth coordinate is relative to SLC-1. |
slc1_starting_azimuth_line: | offset lines to starting azimuth in interferogram (relative to start of SLC-1) |
interferogram_azimuth_lines: | Number of (multi-look) interferogram lines. |
interferogram_width: | Number of interferogram range pixels. |
first_nonzero_range_pixel: | range coordinate of first non-zero interferogram pixel (relative to range of first interferogram pixel). |
number_of_nonzero_range_pixels: | Number of non-zero interferogram pixels in range direction. |
interferogram_range_looks: | Number of interferometric looks in range. |
interferogram_azimuth_looks: | Number of interferometric looks in azimuth. |
interferogram_range_pixel_spacing: | interferogram sample spacing (meters) in slant range direction |
interferogram_azimuth_pixel_spacing: | interferogram sample spacing (meters) in azimuth direction |
resampled_range_pixel_spacing: | "true ground range" pixel spacing (meters) in images resampled to orthonormal coordinates |
resampled_azimuth_pixel_spacing: | "along track" pixel spacing (meters) in images resampled to orthonormal coordinates |
resampled_starting_ground_range: | starting ground range relative to satellite footprint at altitude=0.0m |
resampled_pixels_per_line: | Number of (true ground range) samples in the cross track direction |
resampled_number_of_lines: | Number along-track pixels in the resampled height/intensity image |
<orbit1_orbit2>.off - contains parameter values used by the
Interferometric SAR Processor ISP. The ISP offset/processing
parameter file contains the information on the co-registration of
the SLC image pair, the image section to be processed, and
parameters used or determined during processing.
The bilinear offset polynomial indicating the offset of SLC-2 relative to SLC-1 is indicated in <orbit1_orbit2>.off (as determined by the co-registration program). <orbit1_orbit2>.off - is generated interactively using the create_offset program. The formats used in <orbit1_orbit2>.off are defined in the in ISP type definition file typedef_ISP.h.
Users Guide, typedef_ISP.h, create_offset
© Copyrights for Documentation, Users Guide and Reference Manual by Gamma Remote Sensing, 2000.
UW, CW, last change 28-Jan-2000.