Gamma ISP: Reference Manual


ANSI-C program: adapt_filt.c

adapt_filt - Adaptive filtering (adaptive to the local slope, respectively fringe rate) of the interferometric phase.

adapt_filt <int> <sm> <width> [low_SNR_thr] [filt_width] [xmin] [xmax] [ymin] [ymax]

<int> complex interferogram image filename (phase trend removed)
<sm> smoothed interferogram filename (for filtered data output)
<width> number of samples/row
[low_SNR_thr] low SNR threshold (default = 0.25
[filt_width] filter width in pixels (default = 4.0)
[xmin] offset to starting range pixel (default = 0)
[xmax] offset last range pixel (default = width-1)
[ymin] offset to starting azimuth row (default = 0)
[ymax] offset to last azimuth row (default = nlines-1)

adapt_filt 1352_1610.flt 2500 0.25 4.0

adapt_filt reads the complex interferogram (for ERS-1 usually with the phase trend removed), computes locally the slope, and averages the interferometric phase along the local slope. The goal of the adaptive filtering step is to reduce phase noise and reduce the number of residues (problematic location for phase unwrapping). The filtering window size is determined by the user input. The value approximates the size of the smoothing window. A Kaiser window function is used to improve the averaging filter frequency and spatial response. The smoothed (respectively) filtered interferometric phase is written out to a file. The dimensions of the smoothed interferogram file is identical to that of the interferogram file. Therefore, the same programs to generate SUN rasterfiles and display programs may be used with identical parameters.


© Copyrights for Documentation, Users Guide and Reference Manual by Gamma Remote Sensing, 2005.
UW, CW, last change 19-Jul-2005.