ANSI-C program: ave_image.c
ave_image - Calculate average of input 2-D float format
data files
ave_image <im_list> <width> [start] [nlines]
[pixav_x] [pixav_y] [zero_flag] [nmin]
im_list | (input) text file containing list of names of
co-registered data sets in column 1 (float) |
<width> | number of samples/line |
<ave> | (output) average of input data files (float) |
[start] | starting line (default: 1) |
[nlines] |
number of lines to process
(enter - for default: entire file)) |
[pixav_x] |
number of pixels to
average in width (default: 1) |
[pixav_y] |
number of pixels to average in height (default:1) |
[zero_flag] |
zero flag: 0: interpret 0.0 as missing data value (default) 1: interpret 0.0 as valid data |
[nmin] |
minimum number of images required to calculate the average (enter - for default: all) (default: 3*nfiles/4) |
ave_image im_list ave 1750 1
averages images in float format listed in the data_tab file. Each line of these files is 1750 pixels wide
is used
to average a stack of 2D data files in float format (32-bit
floating point). It also has the capability to average the data
sets in x and y dimensions as specified by the pixave_x and pixav_y parameters on the command
line. A subset of the input image can be specified by the
start and nlines parameters. Finally, input
data values that are 0.0 can either be interpreted as missing
data or as a valid value using the zero_flag parameter. If any data in
the input stack are missing, the output pixel is set to 0.0 by
default. If zero_flag is set to 1, then 0.0
is interpreted as a valid data value.
The files (including path) are listed in the im_list text file, one line entry for each file. Lines containing a # in column 1 and blank lines are ignored. This program is useful for generating multi-look intensity images for display.
© Copyrights for Documentation, Users Guide and Reference Manual by Gamma Remote Sensing, 2008.
UW, CW, TS, MS, last change 27-Nov-2008