Gamma ISP: Reference Manual


ANSI-C program: base_orbit.c

base_orbit - computes interferometric baseline from ERS state vectors given in the SLC parameter files of the interferometric pair.

base_orbit <SLC1_par> <SLC2_par> <baseline_file>

<SLC1_par> parameter file for reference SLC-1
<SLC2_par> parameter file for SLC-2
<baseline_file> baseline file (text format, enter - for none)

base_orbit 1352.par 1610.par 1352_1610.base

base_orbit reads state vectors in SLC parameter files, computes interferometric baselines and generates baseline parameter file. The baseline parameter file is used for the removal of the average phase trend of the interferogram and for the computation of the heights. The baseline is estimated as the vector between the tracks when the second track passes through the Doppler cone of the reference track. No output baseline file is written if "-" is specified. 

The interferogram fringe rate can be used to estimate the perpendicular baseline component using base_est_fft, or in combination with offsets and orbit information using base_init.

base_est_fft, base_init, typedef_ISP.h

© Copyrights for Documentation, Users Guide and Reference Manual by Gamma Remote Sensing, 2005.
UW, CW, last change 2-May-2005.