Gamma ISP: Reference Manual

dcomp_sirc, dcomp_sirc_quad

ANSI-C programs: dcomp_sirc.cdcomp_sirc_quad.c

dcomp_sirc - uncompress SIR-C data (SINGLE POLARIZATION MODE)

dcomp_sirc_quad - uncompress SIR-C data (QUAD POLARIZATION MODE)

dcomp_sirc <infile> <outfile> <samples> [loff] [nlines] [threshold]

<infile> input SIR-C SLC compressed data file
<outfile> output complex floating point data file
<samples> #samples per input line (4 bytes/complex sample)
[loff] starting line (default=1)
[nlines] #lines to copy(default: entire file, 0 = entire file)
[threshold] amplitude threshold to reject samples, (default, no threshold, all points accepted)

dcomp_sirc_quad <infile> <outfile> <samples> <parameter> [loff] [nlines]
<infile> input SIR-C SLC compressed data file
<outfile> output complex floating point data file
<samples> #samples per input line (4 bytes/complex sample)
<parameter>                0:  SLC total power
               1:  SLC-HH
               2:  SLC-HV
               3:  SLC-VH
               4:  SLC-VV
               5:  MLC total power
               6:  MLC-HVHV*
               7:  MLC-VVVV*
               8:  MLC-HHHH*
               9:  MLC-HHHV*
               10: MLC-HHVV*
               11: MLC-HVVV*
[loff] starting line (default=1)
[nlines] #lines to copy(default: entire file, 0 = entire file)


dcomp_sirc pr16915_img_ceos.slc 16915.slc 4912

dcomp_sirc_quad pr11458_img_ceos 11458.hh 0 1540 1

dcomp_sirc reads the compressed Single Polarization Mode SIR-C SLC data (as provided by JPL-NASA), decompresses it and writes it out in 4-byte float format. The par_SIRC program can be used to create the SLC image parameter file to determine the number of image samples in each line. 

Quad-pol SLC and MLC (multi-look SLC) image products are stored in the 10 byte/value JPL polarimetric data formation. The program dcomp_sirc_quad functions  supports selection of the desired parameter from either the SLC or MLC products. If the input data file is a polarimetric SLC, select parmeters 0 through 4. MLC data parameters can be extracted using parameter values 5 through 11.

© Copyrights for Documentation, Users Guide and Reference Manual by Gamma Remote Sensing, 2015.
UW, CW, last change 2-Jul-2015.