Gamma ISP: Reference Manual


ANSI-C program: image_stat.c

image_stat - Calculate mean, standard deviation and number of non-zero values for a rectangular region (float format)

image_stat <data> <width> <roff> <loff> <nr> <nl> <report>

<data> (input) text file containing list of names of co-registered data sets  in column 1 (float)
<width> image width in range pixels
<roff> pixel offset to start (enter- for default: 0)
<loff> line offset start (enter - for default: 0)
<nr> number of range pixels (enter - for default: width - roff)
<nl> number of lines to use (enter - for default: nl_file - loff)
<report> output text file (keyword: value) format
          keywords: file, mean, stdev, total_samples, non_zero_samples, fractiont_valid)

image_stat 19990915.mli 2456 100 200 300 400 stat.out

calculates the image statistics in a specified region

image_stat is used to calculate the mean and standard deviation of float format data in a rectangular window specified on the command line. The upper left corner coordinates are specified by roff and loff parameters. The number of pixels across and lines down are specified by the nr and nl parameters.  The program also counts the number of non-zero values in the window and calculates the percentage of non-zero values.  The output is a report file that has keyword: value pairs  as shown below:

data_file: 19990915.mli
mean:    8.159940e-02
stdev:   1.958567e-02
total_samples: 120000
non_zero_samples: 120000
fraction_valid:   1.000000

One of the applications of this program is used to determine the number of valid samples and the average value and standard deviation in the overlap region of Sentinel-1 burst differential interferograms.

An example of running the program is shown below:

image_stat 19990915.mli 2456 100 200 300 400 stat.out

*** Calculate mean, standard deviation and number of non-zero values for a rectangular region (float format) ***
*** Copyright 2014, Gamma Remote Sensing, v1.1 10-Dec-2014 ***
data file: 19990915.mli
line width (samples): 2456
number of lines in the file: 2687
range sample offset:  100   number of samples: 300
azimuth range offset: 200   number of lines:   400
output report file: stat.out

data_file: 19990915.mli
mean:    8.159940e-02
stdev:   1.958567e-02
total_samples: 120000
non_zero_samples: 120000
fraction_valid:   1.000000

user time (s):         0.000
system time (s):       0.000
elapsed time (s):      0.050

© Copyrights for Documentation, Users Guide and Reference Manual by Gamma Remote Sensing, 2014
 CW , last change 10-Dec-2014