ANSI-C program: multi_look_MLI.c
multi_look_MLI - Multi-looking of real valued multi-look
intensity image (MLI)
multi_look_MLI <MLI_in> <MLI_in_par>
<MLI_out> <MLI_out_par> <rlks> <azlks>
[loff] [nlines] [scale]
<MLI_in> | (input) multi_look intensity image (MLI) file (float) |
<MLI_in_par> | (input) MLI parameter file |
<MLI_out> | (output) multi-looked MLI image (float) |
<MLI_out_par> | (output) MLI parameter file for output MLI |
<rlks> | range looks for multi-looking |
<azlks> | azimuth looks for multi-looking |
[loff] | offset to starting line in the input data (default=0) |
[nlines] | number of input MLI lines to process (default=to end of file) |
[scale] | scale factor for output MLI (default=1.0) |
multi_look_MLI 8560.mli 8560.mli.par 8560.mli3
8560.mli3.par 3 3
3x3 multi-looking of input MLI image.
multi_look_MLI 8059.grd 8059.grd.par 8059.grd5 8059.grd5.par 5 5 200 1000
5x5 multi-looking and section extraction for input ground-range (GRD) image.
multi_look_MLI reads the real valued input MLI image,
applies multi-looking to it, and writes out a new MLI image. A
new parameter file to characterize the file dimension and
geometry of the output MLI image is also created. The number of
range and azimuth looks used in the multi-looking are specified
on the command line and the offset to the starting line and
number of input lines can be specified.
multi_look_MLI can also be used for the multi-looking of real valued images in ground-range geometry (GRD). The GRD parameter file has the same format as the SLC/MLI parameter files with the only difference that the range values corespond to ground-ranges and not to slant ranges.
multi_look_MLI takes into account line headers (as indicated in the MLI parameter file). The output multi-look intensity image has no file or line headers. The output MLI may be scaled using a command line parameter. A scale factor 1.e-06 is used to generate multi-look images for MSP processed radiometrically calibrated SLC images in short integer format.
© Copyrights for Documentation, Users Guide and Reference Manual by Gamma Remote Sensing, 2001.
UW, CW, last change 18-Apr-2001.