Gamma ISP: Reference Manual

Generate SLC parameter file and image file for IECAS SLC data

ANSI-C programs: par_IECAS_SLC.c

par_IECAS_SLC - reads  IECAS airborne SAR SLC data and creates the ISP image parameter and SLC file in the FCOMPLEX format used by GAMMA software.


<aux_data> ((input) IECAS SAR auxillary data (POS*.dat)
(input) real part of complex SLC data
(input) imaginary part of complex SLC data
(input) acquistion date format: YYYYMMDD (example 20110121) from aux_data filename
<SLC_par> (output) ISP SLC parameter file (example: yyyymmdd.slc.par)
<SLC> (output) SLC data file (example: yyyymmdd.slc)


POSData_20101114_HH_RepeatTest1.dat data_20101114_HH_RepeatTest1_R.dat data_20101114_HH_RepeatTest1_I.dat 20110114 20101114_HH.slc.par 20101114_HH.slc


This program reformats the input file to obtain the SLC image data and to extract the key parameters required in the GAMMA ISP/SLC parameter file. The IECAS data are provided as the separate files for the real part and imaginary part of the SLC image. The real part and imaginary part are combined into a single file in 32-bit floating point format containing pairs of real and imaginary numbers.

The state vectors in the SLC parameter file are calculated from the heading, altitude and position of the SAR at the start of the image as documented in the aux_data file provided on the command line.

The state vectors are located at regular intervals on a circular track of constant altitude above the surface. A total of 9 state vectors are calculated starting 1 second before the start of the SLC data and the last occurring 1 second after the end of the SLC image.
The coordinate system for the data is cartesian referenced to the WGS84 ellipsoid.

The effective PRF for the data is calculated from the actual PRF divided by the number of azimuth looks. Other parameters are extracted
from the aux_data and


© Copyrights for Documentation, Users Guide and Reference Manual by Gamma Remote Sensing 2011.
awi, ms, UW, CW, last change 24-Jan-2011.