Gamma ISP: Reference Manual

Generate ISP SLC parameter file and data file for Kyoto and Carbon (KC) ALOS PALSAR strip data in slant range geometry

ANSI-C programs: par_KC_PALSAR_slr.c

par_KC_PALSAR_slr - reads KC PALSAR data file and related parameter files as provided by JAXA EORC and creates the data file and ISP SLC/MLI parameter file in the format used by GAMMA software. In Wide-Beam mode, the along-track doppler polynomials can be converted to the Gamma geometrical model and written to a text file.


par_KC_PALSAR_slr <facter_m> <CEOS_leader> <SLC_par> <pol> <pls_mode> <KC_data> <pwr> [fdfdd] [fdtab]

<facter_m> (input) PALSAR Kyoto-Carbon parameter file
<lea> (input) PALSAR Kyoto-Carbon leader file (LED*)
<SLC_par> (output) ISP image parameter file (example: yyyymmdd.mli.par)
<pol> Polarization e.g. HH or HV
<pls_mode> PALSAR acquisition mode:
  1 - Fine Beam Single
  2 - Fine Beam Double
  3 - Wide Beam
[KC_data] (input) PALSAR KC data strip, named sar.Q*
[pwr] (output) PALSAR KC data strip expressed as SAR intensity, (example: yyyymmdd.mli)
(output) table of output polynomials, one polynomial/block used as input to gc_map_fd


par_KC_PALSAR_slr facter_m.dat LED_ALPSR 20070101.mli.par HH 1 sar.Q16_64_HH 20070101.mli

Reads the PALSAR KC parameter file facter_m.dat, the leader file LED-ALPSR, the image data file sar.Q16_64_HH (Fine Beam Single mode) and writes the ISP SLC/MLI parameter file 20070101.mli.par and the corresponding data file expressed as SAR intensity, 20070101.mli

par_KC_PALSAR_slr facter_m.dat LED_ALPSR 20070401.mli.par HH 3 sar_Q16.dat_HH 20070401.mli 20070401.fdtab

Reads the PALSAR KC parameter files facter_m.dat, the leader file LED-ALPSR and the image data file sar_Q16.dat_HH (Wide Beam mode) and writes the ISP SLC/MLI parameter file 20070101.mli.par and the corresponding data file expressed as SAR intensity, 20070101.mli. The doppler centroid data are converted from the JAXA model to the Gamma model and written out to the fdtab file.

Reads PALSAR KC parameter files and data file as provided by JAXA EORC and creates the ISP SLC/MLI parameter file in the format used by GAMMA software. The ISP/MLI parameter file describes the image provided by JAXA EORC. This program also generates a new data file that expresses the KC data as SAR intensity.  KC data strips are provided in little endian, short integer and amplitude format. The program supports the conversion of the KC data strip to SAR intensity. The program supports KC PALSAR images in slant range format. In the case of Wide-Beam data (mode=3) the along-track and cross-track doppler information provided in the facter_m.dat file can be converted to the Gamma geometrical reference model and written to the file fdtab. This file can then be ingested as input by the DIFF&GEO program gc_map_fd. This program has the capability to use the doppler information stored in a table rather than using the doppler polynomials in the image parameter file. This approach is useful when the doppler changes are not well modelled using a low order polynomial.

The program requires information on the polarization of the image and the acquisition mode. For FBD images the program must be run for each single image.
To radiometrically calibrate the image (only absolute calibration is needed) a correction factor of -83 dB has to be applied. The radiometric calibration is supported by the program radcal_MLI.

Below an example is given for the KC PALSAR image called sar.Q16_64_HH:

radcal_MLI 20070101.mli 20070101.mli.par - 20070101.cmli - 0 0 0 0 -83.0

Users Guide, typedef_ISP.h

© Copyrights for Documentation, Users Guide and Reference Manual by Gamma Remote Sensing 2010.
UW, CW, ms last change 03-May-2010.