Gamma ISP: Reference Manual

Generate SLC parameter file and image file for Kompsat-5 DGM data

ANSI-C programs: par_KS_DGM.c

par_KS_DGM - reads Kompsat-5 DGM (Level 1B) data as provided by KARI and creates the ISP image parameter and SLC file in the format used by GAMMA software.

par_KS_SLC <HDF5> <trunk>

<HDF5> (input) Kompsat-5 DGM product in HDF5 format as provided by KARI
<trunk> (output) output file name trunk used for output filenames
(example: yyyymmdd -> yyyymmdd_pol_beamid.slc yyyymmdd_pol_beamid.pri.par)

par_KS_DGM KMPS5_DGM_B_ST_12_HH_RD_F_20080803063600_20080803063605_20100317153612.h5 2008080306

Reads the Kompsat-5 SCS file KMPS5_DGM_B_ST_12_HH_RD_F_20080803063600_20080803063605_20100317153612.h5 and generates:
2008080306.pri.par - SLC parameter file
200808030.pri - PRI file

par_KS_DGM is the interface between Kompsat-5 DGM data in the format provided by KARI and the format used by GAMMA software. DGM means Detected Ground Multilook and correspond to ground range PRI data. Kompsat-5 DGM data are provided in an single file consisting of the image data and a set of annotations. The file is in HDF5 format. This program reformats the input file to obtain the PRI image data and to extract the key parameters required by the GAMMA ISP/SLC parameter file.

Users Guide, typedef_ISP.h,

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awi, last change 5-May-2014.