Gamma ISP: Reference Manual

Create Parameter File for PRI images

ANSI-C programs: par_PRI.c, par_PRI_ESRIN_JERS.c

par_PRI - creates the ISP image parameter file from the CEOS leader provided with ESA PRI products from ERS-1 and ERS-2. The PRI data are also reformated.

par_PRI_ESRIN_JERS - creates the ISP image parameter file from the CEOS leader provided with ESA PRI products from JERS-1. The PRI data are also reformated


par_PRI_ESRIN_JERS <CEOS_leader><PRI_par><CEOS_dat><PRI>

par_PRI <CEOS_leader><PRI_par><CEOS_dat><PRI>

<CEOS_leader> CEOS Leader file File provided by the ESA PAF with the PRI data
<PRI_par> ISP image parameter file for the PRI intensity image data
<CEOS_dat > CEOS data file (example: DAT_01.001)
<PRI> PRI data with file and line headers removed (example:YYYYMMDD.pri)

par_PRI LEA_01.001 19960422.pri.par DAT_01.001 19960422.pri

and read the CEOS leader file and extract information to create the ISP image parameter file. These programs also remove the file header line and remove header bytes from the input data. The program supports both VMP- and PGS-processed PRI data.

The parameter file for the ground-range images (PRI data are in ground-range/azimuth geometry and not in slant range/azimuth geometry) has the same format as the SLC/MLI parameter files used in the ISP. The indicated near center and far swath ranges correspond to ground-ranges, though, and not to slant ranges.

The PRI data can be radiometrically calibrated and converted from the ESA provided short integer format to the normal float format used in the ISP using the program radcal_PRI. The image data can be converted to slant-range geometry using the program GRD_to_SR</>


Users Guide, radcal_PRI, GRD_to_SR</>, typedef_ISP.h,

© Copyrights for Documentation, Users Guide and Reference Manual by Gamma Remote Sensing, 2008.
UW, CW, last change 28-May-2008.