Gamma ISP: Reference Manual

Generate MLI parameter and image files for RISAT-1 GRD and MLI data

ANSI-C programs: par_RISAT_GRD.c

par_RISAT_GRD - reads RISAT-1 data as provided by ISRO and creates the ISP image parameter and GRD or MLI  file in the format used by GAMMA software

par_RISAT_MLI <CEOS_leader> <BAND_META> <GRD_par> <CEOS_image> [GRD] [line_dir] [pix_dir] [cal_flg] [KdB]

<CEOS_leader> (input) CEOS SAR leader file (example: lea_01.001)
<BAND_META> (input) BAND_META.txt, additional RISAT system parameters for the scene (format keywork=value)
<GRD_par> (output) ISP GRD parameter file (example: yyyymmdd.slc.par)
<CEOS_image> ((input) CEOS GRD or MLI image file (example: dat_01.001)
[GRD] (output) GRD  data with file and line headers removed (enter - for none: example: YYYYMMDD.slc)
set output image line direction (enter - for default)
   0: used value derived from CEOS leader file (default)
   1: retain input data line direction
  -1: reverse input data line direction
set output pixel direction (enter - for default)
    0: used value derived from CEOS leader file (default)
    1: retain input data pixel direction
   -1: reverse input data pixel direction
[cal_flg]  calibration flag (enter - for default):
     0: do not apply radiometric calibration
     1: apply radiometric calibration including KdB and incidence angle correction (default)
calibration constant (dB) (enter - to use value in the CEOS leader)


par_RISAT_GRD lea_01.001 BAND_META.txt 20120722_RH.grd.par dat_01.001 20120722_RH.grd

Reads the  CEOS leader file lea_01.001, BAND_META.txt, and dat_01.001 files and generates the 20120722_RH.grd.par  and 20120722_RH.grd files. Each polarization that is available for a particular scene has a separate CEOS product. The program applies the calibration constant contained in the BAND_META.txt file to produce radiometrically calibrated output data.


The RISAT-1 radar satellite was launched in April 2012 by ISRO the Indian Space Research Organization and produces data in the CEOS format similar to that produced by RADARSAT-1, see and The CEOS product contains a leader file that contains metadata for the image including time, image dimensions, instrument parameters and state vectors. For the RISAT CEOS products this file has the name lea_01.001  The CEOS product also contains the image data file dat_01.001. The image data file contains a single header record that is 16252 bytes long containing information on the data image type and image dimensions. Each line of the image has a 192 byte record header with information on the time and slant range parameters for that line.  The data are pairs of short integers (16 bits) that are the real and imaginary parts of a complex number. These data are in little-endian byte order. Each image line has a fixed number of range samples.

The program par_RISAT_GRD generates the GAMMA format MLI/GRD parameter file and reformats the data to big-endian byte order.  The user should not have to change the line_dir and pix_dir command line parameters from their default values.  Data are produced in natural radar order such that the line direction and pixel direction are both increasing.


Users Guide, typedef_ISP.h,

? Copyrights for Documentation, Users Guide and Reference Manual by Gamma Remote Sensing 2013.
CW, last change 16-Jul-2013.