Gamma ISP: Reference Manual

Generate SLC parameter and ground range image files for Radarsat-2 SGF/SGX data

ANSI-C programs: par_RSAT2_SG.c

par_RSAT2_SG - reads Radarsat2 SGF and SGX data as provided by MDA and creates the ISP image parameter and SLC file in the format used by GAMMA software.

par_RSAT2_SG <product_XML> <lut_XML>> <GEOTIFF> <polarization> <grd_par> <grd>

<product_XML> (input) Radarsat-2 product annotation XML file (product.xml)
<lut_XML> (input) Radarsat-2 calibration XML file (lutSigma.xml), use - for no calibration
<GeoTIFF> (input) image data file in GeoTIFF format (imagery_PP.tif)
<polarization> (input) image polarization: HH, VV, HV, or VH
<gtrd_par> (output) ISP SLC parameter file (example: YYYYMMDD_PP.grd.par)
<grd> (output) ground range data file (example: YYYYMMDD_PP.grd)

par_RSAT2_SLC product.xml lutSigma.xml imagery_HH.tif HH 20080111_HH.grd.par 20080111_HH.grd

Reads the Radarsat2 SGF annotation file product.xml and the corresponding GEOTIFF file imagery_HH.tif and generates:
20080111_HH.grd.par - ISP MLI image parameter file
20080111HH.grd - ground range data file

par_RSAT2_SG is the interface between Radarsat2 SGF and SGX data in the format provided by MDA and the ground range data format used by GAMMA software. Radarsat-2 SGF and SGX data are provided in an archive file consisting of a selection of annotation and data files. To import the data into GAMMA software format the main product annotation file in XML format and the corresponding GeoTIFF are required

Users Guide, typedef_ISP.h,

© Copyrights for Documentation, Users Guide and Reference Manual by Gamma Remote Sensing 2015.
awi, ms, UW, CW, last change 14-Apr-2015.