Gamma ISP: Reference Manual

Generate SLC parameter and image files for Radarsat-2 SLC data

ANSI-C programs: par_RSAT2_SLC.c

par_RSAT2_SLC - reads Radarsat2 SLC data as provided by MDA and creates the ISP image parameter and SLC file in the format used by GAMMA software.

par_RSAT2_SLC <product_XML> <lut_XML> <GEOTIFF> <polarisation> <SLC_par> <SLC>

<product_XML> (input) Radarsat-2 product annotation XML file
<lut_XML> (input) Radarsat2 calibration XML file (lutSigma.xml), use - for no calibration
<GeoTIFF> (input) Radarsat-2 image data file in GeoTIFF format
<polarization> (input) polarization: HH, VV, HV, or VH
<SLC_par> (output) ISP SLC parameter file (example: YYYYMMDD_PP.slc.par)
<SLC> (output) SLC data file (example: YYYYMMDD_PP.slc)

par_RSAT2_SLC product.xml lutSigma.xml imagery_HH.tif HH 20080111HH.slc.par 20080111HH.slc

Reads the Radarsat2 SLC annotation file product.xml and the corresponding GEOTIFF file imagery_HH.tif and generates:
20080111HH.slc.par - SLC parameter file
20080111HH.slc - SLC file

par_RSAT2_SLC is the interface between Radarsat2 SLC data in the format provided by MDA and the format used by GAMMA software. Radarsat-2 SLC data are provided in an archive file consisting of a selection of annotation and data files.  The polarization of the imagery is included in the name of the SLC file in the format YYYYMMDD_PP.slc  where PP is one of HH, HV, VH and VV. 

Users Guide, typedef_ISP.h,

© Copyrights for Documentation, Users Guide and Reference Manual by Gamma Remote Sensing 2015.
awi, ms, UW, CW, last change 14-Apr-2015.