Gamma ISP: Reference Manual

Programs for generation of SLC parameter files and image files for ERS data

ANSI-C programs: par_ACS_ERS.c, par_ATLSCI_ERS.c, par_ESA_ERS.c, par_PulSAR.c, par_RSI_ERS.c.

par_ACS_ERS - reads the CEOS leader file and generates the SP SLC parameter file for ERS data processed with the ESA ACS processor.

par_ACS_ERS <CEOS_SAR_leader> <SLC_par>

<CEOS_SAR_leader> (input) CEOS leader file provided by processing facility with SLC data
<SLC_par> (output) ISP SLC parameter file

par_ATLSCI_ERS - reads the CEOS leader file and the data file, and generates the ISP SLC parameter file for data processed by the Atlantis SAR processor

par_ATLSCI_ERS <CEOS_leader> <CEOS_data> <SLC_par>

<CEOS_leader> (input) CEOS leader file provided by processing facility with SLC data
(input) CEOS image data
<SLC_par> (output) ISP SLC parameter file

par_ESA_ERS - reads the LEADER file and the image data file in CEOS format and generates the ISP SLC parameter file and the corresponding image data file in GAMMA format.

par_ESA_ERS <CEOS_leader> <SLC_par> <CEOS_DAT> <SLC>

<CEOS_leader> (input) ERS CEOS SAR leader file
<SLC_par> (output) ISP SLC parameter file (example: <date>.slc.par)
<CEOS_DAT>  (input) CEOS SLC data file (example: DAT_01.001)
(output) SLC data with file and line headers removed (example: <date>.slc)

This progam has the capability to identify if the SLC data were processed with the VMP, PGS, MSAR-PGS, or Kongsberg SPF processors.  The ISP image parameter file is generated from parameters read from the CEOS leader file. Image data are reformated with the header record and line headers removed.

par_PulSAR - reads the LEADER file and and generates the ISP SLC parameter file for ERS data processed by the PulSAR processor

par_PulSAR <CEOS_leader> <SLC_par>

<CEOS_leader> (input) CEOS leader file provided by processing facility with SLC data
<SLC_par> (output) ISP SLC parameter file

par_RSI_ERS - reads the LEADER file and and generates the ISP SLC parameter file for ERS data processed by Radarsat International

par_RSI_ERS <CEOS_leader> <SLC_par>

<CEOS_leader> (input) CEOS leader file provided by processing facility with SLC data
<SLC_par> (output) ISP SLC parameter file

Copyrights for Documentation, Users Guide and Reference Manual by Gamma Remote Sensing 2010.  UW, CW, ms, last change 3-May-2010.