ANSI-C program: rascc_mask.c
rascc_mask - Generate phase unwrapping validity mask using
correlation and intensity
rascc_mask <cc> <pwr> <width>
[start_cc] [start_pwr] [nlines] [pixavr] [pixavaz] [cc_thres]
[pwr_thres] [cc_min] [cc_max] [scale] [exp] [LR] [rasf]
<cc> | (input)coherence image (float) |
<pwr> | (input)intensity image (float, enter - if not available) |
<width> | number of samples/row |
[start_cc] | starting line of coherence image (default=1) |
[start_pwr] | starting line of intensity image (default=1) |
[nlines] | number of lines to display (default=0: to end of file) |
[pixavr] | number of pixels to average in range (default=1) |
[pixavaz] | number of pixels to average in azimuth (default=1) |
[cc_thres] | coherence threshold for masking, all pixels with coherence below cc_thres are set to (0,0,0) |
[pwr_thres] |
intensity threshold,
pixels with relative intensity below pwr_thres are set to 0
(default: 0.) |
[cc_min] | minimum coherence value used for color display (default=.1) |
[cc_max] | maximum coherence value used for color display (default=.9) |
[scale] | intensity image display scale factor (default=1.) |
[exp] | intensity display exponent (default=.35) |
[LR] | left/right flipping flag, (default=1: normal, -1: mirror image) |
[rasf] | (output)validity mask (default=*.ras: SUN raster format, *.bmp: BMP format) |
rascc_mask 01608_02109.pwr1 2456 1 1
0 1 1 .3
Generates an (8-bit) SUN rasterfile to be used as validity
mask for phase unwrapping. The coherence threshold has been set
at 0.3. The output validity mask is a combined coherence and
intensity display with all samples of the image with coherence
below the threshold set to 0.
rascc_mask 01608_02109.pwr1 2456 1 1 0 1 1
.3 .1
Generates an (8-bit) SUN rasterfile to be used as validity
mask for phase unwrapping. The coherence threshold has been set
at 0.3 and the relative power threshold to 0.0. The output
validity mask is a combined coherence and intensity display with
all samples of the image with coherence below the threshold or
relative intensity below the threshold set to 0.
rascc_mask generates an (8-bit) SUN rasterfile to be used
as validity mask for phase unwrapping. The output validity mask
is a combined coherence and intensity display with all samples of
the image with coherence below the thresholds set to 0. The user
can select thresholds for both correlation and relative
The validity mask is used for phase unwrapping with the
program mcf, which allows to avoid regions
of high phase noise in the phase unwrapping.
The hue of the output image is determined by the coherence level.
If the user specifies an intensity image, this image is used for
the image intensity, otherwise, the output image has a constant
intensity except for masked regions. All pixels corresponding to
pixels with a coherence or intensity below the threshold
values are set to black, i.e. (0,0,0). The intensity threshold is
useful to eliminate regions of very low signal that may contain
coherent interferance. If the interference is coherent,
then the correlation is high and these unwanted points
would be within the unwrapping mask unless there is a theshold
for minimum signal intensity.
For the normal use of the program, i.e. to generate a validity mask for phase unwrapping the starting lines need to be set to 1 (start at first line), the number of lines needs to be set to the total number of lines (the default=0 can be used for this), the range and azimuth averaging (pixavr, pixavaz) need to be set to 1, and no left/right flipping needs to be selected (i.e. LR=1). Setting these values differently results in a modification of the image geometry which will then no longer correspond to the one of the interferogram to be unwrapped.
One reason for data masking is to reduce the number of samples
considered in the global optimization step of the Minimum Cost
Flow (MCF) phase unwrapping technique. Additional, reduction of
the number of samples can be achieved using adaptive thinning of
the sampling, i.e. by reducing the sampling in areas with little
phase variation, as supported by the program rascc_mask_thinning.
mcf, rascc_mask_thinning, interp_ad
© Copyrights for Documentation, Users Guide and Reference Manual by Gamma Remote Sensing, 2010.
UW, CW, last change 24-Nov-2010