Gamma DIFF&GEO: Reference Manual


DEM parameter file (for structure definition see typedef_DIFF.h)

DEM_par - Digital Elevation Model (DEM) parameter file (text format) used by Gamma DIFF&GEO software.
This can also contain a description of the projection used for image or parameter data

The format of the DEM parameter file is different for different DEM projections. Supported DEM projections are:

Keyword Projection
EQA Equiangular
UTM Universal Transverse Mercator
TM Transverse Mercator
OMCH Oblique Mercator (Switzerland)
LCC Lambert Conformal Conic (France)
PS Polar Stereographic
SCH Spherical geometry map projection
(see "Zebker et. al, "Geodetically Accurate INSAR Data Processor", Trans. Geoscience and Remote Sensing, pp.4309-4321, vol. 49, no. 12, Dec., 2010)
PC Polyconic Projection
AEAC Albers Equal Area Conic
LCC2 Lambert Conformal Conic Projection (Secant solution, Belgium)
OM Oblique Mercator
HOM Hotine Oblique Mercator

The parameter definitions are not the same for the different coordinates, but most parameters are common to all projections.

The parameters contained in the DEM/map parameter file are structured into:
- general parameters
- ellipsoid parameters
- datum parameters
- projection parameters.

Part 1: General Parameters

Keyword Example Definition
title Death Valley UTM DEM Title, name, identification for DEM
DEM_projection UTM Universal Transverse Mercator
data_format REAL*4 DEM data format; valid formats are REAL*4 (4-byte floating point) and INTEGER*2 (2-byte, short integer)
DEM_hgt_offset 0.00000 Height offset in units
DEM_scale 1.0 Height scale used in DEM in meter/unit
width 2000 DEM width in pixels
nlines 2000 DEM number of lines
corner_north 4095800.000 Northing of first DEM pixel (m)
corner_east 477300.000 Easting of first DEM pixel (m)
post_north -100.0000000 DEM posting (pixel spacing) North direction; negative numbers indicate that DEM lines are listed from North to South
post_east 100.0000000 DEM posting (pixel spacing) East direction; negative numbers indicate that DEM

In the case of EQA coordinates the last four lines are replaced by:

Keyword Example Definition
corner_lat 37.0000000 Latitude of first DEM pixel (decimal degrees)
corner_lon -117.2500000 Longitude of first DEM pixel (decimal degrees, values between -180 and 180)
post_lat -8.3333000e-04 DEM posting (pixel spacing) in latitude; negative numbers indicate that DEM pixels are listed from North to South
post_lon 8.3333000e-04 DEM posting (pixel spacing) in longitude; negative numbers indicate that DEM pixels are listed from East to West

In the case of PS coordinates the following parameter is added:

Keyword Example Definition
PS_secant_lat 71.0000000 latitude of the secant plane with no distortion, +/-71 degrees for N. or S. hemispheres respectively

Part 2: Ellipsoid Parameters

Keyword Example Definition
ellipsoid_name: Airy 1830 Ellipsoid name (from list or specified by user)
ellipsoid_ra 6377563.396 m Ellipsoid semi-major axis in meter
ellipsoid_reciprocal_flattening 299.3249646 Ellipsoid reciprocal flattening (i.e. 1/f)
Notice, other ellipsoid parameters, such as the ellipsoid semi-minor axis, are calculated from the two specified parameters.

Part 3: Datum Parameters

Keyword Example Definition
datum_name: United Kingdom National Datum name (from list or specified by user)
datum_shift_dx 370.300 m Datum shift in x direction (Cartesian coordinates) relative to WGS84
datum_shift_dy -111.060 m Datum shift in y direction (Cartesian coordinates) relative to WGS84
datum_shift_dz 431.170 m Datum shift in z direction (Cartesian coordinates) relative to WGS84
datum_scale_m 0.00000e+00 Datum shift scale m parameter, (1+datum_scale_m) is the scale factor
datum_rotation_alpha 0.00000e+00 arc-sec Datum rotation angle alpha (around x axis) in arc-seconds
datum_rotation_beta 0.00000e+00 arc-sec Datum rotation angle beta (around y axis) in arc-seconds
datum_rotation_gamma 0.00000e+00 arc-sec Datum rotation angle gamma (around z axis) in arc-seconds
datum_country_list United Kingdom, England, Great Britain Datum country list (included in datums.h list for parameter set selection
Notice, with the Datum Shift definition used the datum_shift_dx, datum_shift_dy, datum_shift_dz, indicate the coordinates of the origin of the local ellipsoid relative to the WGS84 Datum (in Cartesian coordinates). Both 3 and 7 Parameter Datum definitions are supported.

Part 4: Projection Parameters for UTM, TM, OMCH, LCC, PS, PC, AEAC, LCC2, OM, HOM coordinates

Keyword Example Definition
projection_name TM - United Kingdom, England Projection name (from list or specified by user)
projection_zone 0 Zone number (0 in the case of one single zone)
false_easting 400000.000 m False Easting [m]
false_northing -100000.000 m False Northing [m]
projection_k0 0.9996013 Scale factor k0 used by the projection
center_longitude -2.0000000 decimal degrees Center longitude in decimal degrees (-180...180)
center_latitude 49.0000000 decimal degrees Center latitude in decimal degrees (-90...90)

In the case of SCH projection, the following projection keywords are used:

Keyword Example Definition
SCH peg point latitude (degrees)
SCH peg point longitude (degrees)
SCH heading (degrees)
SCH corner offset from peg point s (m)
SCH corner offset from peg point c (m)
SCH posting along track s (m)
SCH posting along track c (m)

The DEM_par contains parameter values to describe the elliposoid, datum and projection of DEM and map data.  The DEM_par file is generated using the program create_dem_par. The user is interactively asked for the input used to describe a DEM or map. A variety of projections are supported.

The data structures contained in the DEM_par are defined in the in DIFF type definition file typedef_DIFF.h. The data values are stored as keyword: value pairs.

Users Guide, typedef_ISP.h, typedef_DIFF.h, create_dem_par

© Copyrights for Documentation, Users Guide and Reference Manual by Gamma Remote Sensing, 2011.
UW, CW, last change 29-Aug-2011.