GAMMA Differential Interferometry and
Geocoding Software (DIFF&GEO):
User's Guide
Table of Contents
User's Guide to DIFF&GEO
part on Geocoding and Image Registration
- PDF document
Introduction to geocoding and image registration. Guidelines to
geocoding and image registration using the DIFF&GEO programs.
Geocoding and image registration processing examples.
User's Guide to
the DIFF&GEO part on Differential
- PDF document
Introduction to differential interferometric processing.
Guidelines to differential interferometric processing using the
DIFF&GEO programs. Differential interferometric processing
InSAR and DInSAR Processing - example for ERS-ENVISAT
- PDF document
Example of SAR, InSAR and DInSAR processing using MSP, ISP and
DIFF&GEO programs. The example explains how to process an
image pair of ERS-2 and ENVISAT ASAR data for ERS-ENVISAT
ScanSAR Interferometry - PDF document
Introduction to ASAR ScanSAR interferometry and guidelines to
differential interferometric processing using the ISP and
DIFF&GEO programs for ASAR ScanSAR interferometry.
Interferometric Processing from RAW DATA
- PDF document
Interferometric processing of PALSAR Wide-Beam SCANSAR Data with
GAMMA Software starting from the RAW data. The raw data resampled
to a single common PRF value and resampled to a common
slant-range geometry grid to permit direct mosaicking of the
different beams. The slant range data re geocoded and using this
information a DEM is resampled to the radar slant-range geometry.
The SLC images from different passes are coregistered using the
DEM values. Individual differential interferograms are formed for
each beam and mosiacked to generate the mosaicked interferogram.
The interferogram and coherence map are terrain geocoded using
the lookup table calculated for the mosaic of the SAR multi-look
intensity images.
ESA Sentinel-1
TOPS Interferometric Processing
- PDF document
document describes processing of an example Sentinel-1 TOPS mode
data set beginning with the TOPS mode SLC Level-1
downloaded from the ESA server.
Copyrights for Documentation, Users Guide and Reference Manual by Gamma Remote Sensing, 2015.
ms, UW, CW, last change 1-Jul-2015.