create_diff_par | Creation and editing of DIFF parameter files used for image registration, geocoding, and differential interferometry |
create_dem_par | Creation and editing of DEM parameter files |
extract_gcp | Automated extraction of height control points from height map in SAR |
DIFF&GEO display and GCP tools | Display image files with geographic coordinates and selection of ground control points (GCPs) (located in the DISP package) |
raster image generation | Generation of SUN raster and BMP format images (located in the DISP package) |
par_CS_geo | Generate ISP and DIFF/GEO parameter files and extract data for COSMO-SkyMed GEC (Level 1C) products |
par_EORC_PALSAR_geo | Generate ISP and DIFF/GEO parameter files and extract data from CEOS Level 1.5 PALSAR products |
par_JERS_geo | Generate ISP and DIFF/GEO parameter files and extract data from CEOS Level 2.1 JERS data products |
par_KS_geo | Generate ISP and DIFF/GEO parameter files and extract data for KOMPSAT-5 GEO (Level 1C) products |
par_RISAT_geo |
Generate DEM parameter
file, MLI image, and MLI parameter file for RISAT-1 GeoTIFF
products |
par_TX_geo | Generate ISP and DIFF/GEO parameter files and extract data from for Terrasar-X GEC and EEC data products |
par_UAVSAR_geo |
Generate DEM parameter
file for GRD products from UAVSAR annotation file
(*.ann) |
coord_to_sarpix | Calculate SAR image pixel number of indicated map coordinate |
coord_trans | Map projection transformation for single coordinate |
data2xyz | Convert geocoded float
data to triplets of float: (northing, easting,
data_value) |
dem_RDC_list | Generate coordinate lists in Range-Doppler Coordinates (RDC) and DEM coordinates using a lookup table |
dem_gradient | Calculation of DEM normal or gradient vectors |
dem_trans | Coordinate/projection
transformation for DEM (Digital Elevation Model)
data |
dem_xyz | Convert DEM in a map
projection to Cartesian XYZ coordinates |
gc_map | Derivation of geocoding lookup table and DEM products from DEM in map geometry and SAR imaging geometry parameters |
gc_map_fd | Derivation of geocoding lookup table and DEM products from DEM in map geometry and SAR imaging geometry parameters using a table of Doppler parameters |
gc_map_grd | Derivation of geocoding lookup table and DEM products from DEM in map geometry and SAR imaging geometry parameters for SAR image in ground-range coordinates |
gc_insar | Derivation of geocoding lookup table from (INSAR derived) DEM in SAR geometry, SAR imaging geometry parameters, and map projection parameters |
gc_map_fine | Geocoding lookup table refinement |
gc_map_inversion | Geocoding lookup table inversion |
gec_map | Derivation of geocoding lookup table for ellipsoid corrected geocoding |
gcp_2ras | Extract corresponding points in two SUN raster or BMP format images. The images are displayed side by side and corresponding points are selected using the mouse. The point coordinates in two images are written to a text format file. |
gec_map_grd | Derivation of geocoding lookup table for ellipsoid corrected geocoding of SAR image in ground-range coordinates |
geocode | Resample data in map geometry into range-Doppler geometry using a lookup table. |
geocode_back | Resample data in radar coordinates into map coordinates using a lookup table. |
init_offsetm | Initial offset estimation for real-valued intensity (float) image pair |
interp_real | Registration of real valued data using nearest neighbor, spline or spline-log interpolation algorithms) |
interp_cpx | Registration of complex valued data (interpolation algorithm) |
look_vector | Calculation of SAR look-vector direction (pointing towards SAR) in map geometry |
map_section | Generate the DEM parameter file of a specified region and extract this region from a geocoding lookup table |
map_trans | Coordinate/projection transformation for data and
lookup tables |
MLI_interp_lt | MLI image resampling via a lookup table and sinc interpolation |
mosaic | Mosaic geocoded images with same format, map projection, and pixel spacing parameters (input data file names on the command line) |
multi_mosaic | Mosaic geocoded images with same format, map projection, and pixel spacing parameters (input data file names in an text format file) |
offset_fitm | Determination of registration polynomial from offset field |
offset_list_fitm | Calculate fine registration polynomial for geocoding from control point list |
offset_pwr_list | Offsets between SLC images at positions specified by a list using intensity cross-correlation |
offset_pwrm | Determination of registration offset field for real valued image pair using intensity cross-correlation |
offset_pwr_trackingm | Estimate range and azimuth offset fields for MLI images using intensity tracking |
offset_trackingm | Convert range and azimuth offsets files to a displacement map. |
pixel_area |
Calculate terrain-based
sigma0 and gamma0 normalization area in slant-range
geometry |
ras_clist | Draw coordinate list locations on a SUN/BMP raster image |
resamp_image | Resample 2D data by linear scale factors in x and y |
rotate_image |
Rotate an image about the
image center by a specified angle |
rdc_trans | Derive lookup table for SLC/MLI coregistration (considering terrain heights) |
sarpix_coord | Calculate map coordinate of indicated SAR image pixel |
SLC_diff_intf | Calculate a differential interferogram using coregistered SLC data and a simulated interferogram generated using a DEM and baseline model |
SLC_interp_lt | SLC image resampling via a lookup table and SINC interpolation |
SLC_interp_lt_S1_TOPS | Resample Sentinel-1 TOPS (IW mode) SLC using a lookup table and SLC offset polynomials for refinement |
WSS_interp | ASAR Wide-Swath complex image resampling using 2-D SINC interpolation |
WSS_interp_lt | ASAR Wide-Swath SLC complex image resampling via a lookup table and 2-D SINC interpolation |
WSS_intf | Calculate multi-look interferogram from co-registered ASAR Wide-Swath SLC images |
WSS_mosaic | Mosaic MLI images and interferograms from the 5 subswaths of the ASAR SCANSAR into single images |
geocode | Simulate SAR image intensity based on height map and SAR imaging geometry |
phase_sim | Simulate unwrapped phase based on height map in SAR Range-Doppler Coordinates (RDC), Doppler centroid model, and linear baseline model |
phase_sim_orb | Simulate unwrapped interferometric phase based on height map in SAR Range-Doppler Coordinates (RDC), Doppler centroid model, orbital state vectors, slant range and image timing information |
phase_sum | Calculate sum of input 2-D (float) phase files such as a stack of unwrapped interferograms (a-b, b-c, c-d...) |
atm_mod | Perform linear regression of atmospheric phase with respect to height |
base_add | Addition of 2 baseline files |
comb_interfs | Combination of complex interferograms with optional integer phase scaling |
dh_map_orb | Calculate delta height from differential interferometric phase using state vectors for baseline calculation |
diff_ls_fit | Estimation of phase scaling factors using least squares fitting method |
diff_ls_unw | Subtract unwrapped phase 2 from unwrapped phase 1 (with least squares fitting for phase scaling) |
dispmap | Displacement map generation from unwrapped differential phase |
dispmap_vec | Calculation of displacement vector field from displacement direction and measured component |
dispmap_vec2 | Calculation of displacement vector field from 2 measured components (asc./desc.) |
quad_fit | Estimation of 2-D quadratic model phase function from a differential interferogram |
quad_sub | Subtraction of quadratic model phase function from a differential interferogram |
scale_base | Unwrapped phase scaling with scale factors determined from baseline files |
sub_phase | Subtract unwrapped phase 2 from either complex or unwrapped interferogram 1 |
stacking | Stacking of multiple differential interferograms |
2PASS_INT | 2-pass differential interferometry using complex interferogram (not flattened) and DEM in map coordinates |
2PASS_UNW | 2-pass differential interferometry using unwrapped phase and DEM in map coordinates |
GEC_MLI | Ellipsoid corrected SAR geocoding of MLI image to UTM coordinates |
GEC_GRD | Ellipsoid corrected SAR geocoding of ground-range (GRD) image to UTM coordinates |
GTC_MLI | Terrain corrected SAR geocoding of MLI image to map coordinates |
GTC_GRD | Terrain corrected SAR geocoding of ground-range (GRD) image to map coordinates |
S1_coreg_overlap | Determine azimuth refinement using spectral diversitymethod, based on phase of burst overlap double-difference interferograms |
S1_coreg_subswath_overlap | Determine azimuth refinement using spectral diversity method based on phase of subswath overlap double difference interferograms |
S1_coreg_TOPS | Runs S1 TOPS SLC co-registration sequence using iterative matching refinements and iterative spectral diversity refinements and calculates the resulting differential interferogram |
S1_deramp_TOPS_reference | Deramp a Sentinel-1 TOPS mode burst SLC reference |
S1_deramp_TOPS_slave | Deramp a Sentinel-1 TOPS mode burst SLC slave (that is co-registered to the indicated reference) also generates SLC mosaic for deramped burst SLC slave |
S1_poly_overlap | Generates polygons for burst overlap areas for Sentinel-1 TOPS data |
UNWRAP_DIFF | Unwrap phase using information from DIFF parameter file, no adaptive filtering |
base_calc |
Generate interferogram
table from a list of SLC parameters (SLC_tab) and
constraints on baseline length, time interval and if the
interferogram set is single or multiple reference. Generate
baseline-time network plot and output file with
perpendicular baselines and delta_T values. Also generates
a list of dates, bperp and delta_T for interferogram pairs
in the itab. |
base_plot | Generate baseline-time
network plot and output file with perpendicular baselines
and delta_T values. Also generates a list of dates, bperp
and delta_T for interferogram pairs in the itab. | | Convert GeoTIFF files containing Float32 data in geographic coordinates (EQA) to binary (big endian float). Also generates a DEM parameter file describing the image map geometry. |
mk_adf_2d | Adaptive filtering (adf) of a set of differential interferograms |
mk_base_2d | Estimate precision baselines from unwrapped phase and DEM in range-Doppler coordinates |
mk_diff_2d | Calculate 2D diff. interferograms using RSLC_tab, itab, DEM and deformation rate in Range-Doppler Coordinates (RDC) |
mk_hgt_2d | Calculate height maps from a stack of unwrapped differential interferograms |
mk_int_2d | Calculate 2D interferograms (*.int, *.diff) without subtraction of simulated phase |
mk_itab | Generate ITAB file to generate interferograms between adjacent SLCs |
mk_kml | Generate a Google Earth KML file for a PNG, JPEG, or BMP format image in geographic coordinates (lat./lon) |
mk_mli_all | Calculate MLI images generate multi-temporal MLI from a set of SLCs |
mk_quad_2d |
Estimate and subtract a
quadratic polynomial fit from a stack of differential
interferograms |
mk_tab | Generate SLC_tab, MLI_tab, or RAW_list for processing |
mk_unw_2d | Unwrap a stack of differential interferograms |
SLC_copy_all |
Create a new set of SLC
data files by copying a segment from an existing set
of SLC data files |
SLC_ovr_all | Range oversample a set of SLC data listed in the SLC_tab and write to an output directory |
swap_bytes_all |
Swap byte order of a list
of data files and store in a specified directory |
ASF_geo_proc |
Preprocessing of a set of
ASF SLC images using par_ASF_SLC |
ASF_geo_proc_ALOS |
Preprocessing of ASF SLC
images including ALOS polarimetric data sets |
SLC_cat_all |
Concatenate pairs of
sequential SLC frames to create a stack of larger
images |
SLC_copy_all |
Create a new set of SLC
data by copying a common segment from an existing set of
SLC data |
SLC_resamp_all |
Resample a set of SLC
images to a common reference using a polynomial offset
model |
SLC_resamp_lt_all |
Resample a set of SLC
images to a common reference scene using a lookup table
derived from a DEM in radar coordinates and orbit state
vectors |
mk_geo_radcal |
Terrain geocoding of SAR
images with lookup table refinement and resample DEM to SAR
Range-Doppler Coordinates (RDC) including radiometric
calibration |
mk_geo_data | Terrain geocoding of data
sets in SAR Range-Doppler Coordinates (slant
range) |
srtm2dem | Convert GeoTIFF format DEM downloaded from USGS or CGIAR to Gamma format DEM and DEM parameter file | | Convert GeoTIFF format DEM in UTM projection to Gamma DEM and DEM parameter files |
datums.h | File containing Ellipsoid Datum Parameter list |
ellipsoids.h | File containing Ellipsoid Parameter list |
projection_params.h | File containing Map Projection Parameter list |
typedef_ISP.h | File containing structure definitions used by Gamma Interferometric SAR Processor (ISP) and also by many DIFF programs |
typedef_DIFF.h | File containing structure definitions used by Gamma Differential Interferometry Software (DIFF) |
SLC data | Format description for SAR SLC data files (e.g. YYYYMMDD.slc) |
complex format data | Format description for complex data file, *.slc, *.int, *.flt, *diff, *.rslc, ... |
real format data | Format description for real-valued (float) data *.mli, *.cc, *.unw, *.hgt, *.rmli, ... |
*.base | Format description for baseline file (e.g. YYYYMMDD_YYYYMMDD.base) |
*.off | Format description for offset and interferogram parameter file (e.g. |
*.par | Format description and definitions for SLC parameter file (e.g. YYYYMMDD.par) |
DEM_par | Format description and definitions for DEM parameter file scene_name.dem_par |
DIFF_par | Format description and definitions for DIFF parameter file (*.diff_par) |