GAMMA DIFF/GEO Software: Reference Manual

Create a new set of SLC data by copying a common segment from an existing set of SLC data 

Perl script:  SLC_copy_all

SLC_copy_all  - Create a new set of SLC data by copying a common segment from an existing set of SLC data

SLC_copy_all <SLC_tab> <SLC2_dir> <roff> <nr> <loff> <nl> 

<SLC_tab> (input) two column list of coregistered input SLC files and SLC parameter files (including paths) (text)
<SLC2_dir>  directory to contain copied segments of the input SLC data and the associated parameter files
<roff> offset to starting range sample
number of range samples (enter -: to end of line)
offset number of lines to start
number of lines to copy (enter -: to end of file)


SLC_copy_all RSLC_tab RSLC_tab2 2000 3000 5000 6000 

each of the SLC images in the RSLC_tab list a segment of the SLC beginning at line 5000 and range sample 2000 is extracted and stored in SLC file in the directory RSLC2_dir.  The parameter file for the SLC is adjusted to match the SLC segment parameters. 


SLC_copy_all calls the program SLC_copy for each of the files contained in a two column list of SLC files. That list of SLC files can be created using the script mk_tab.   The output format of the SLC segment has the same data type (scomplex or fcomplex) as the input data file.  The user specifies the desired segment of the SLCs by giving the offset to the starting range sample and starting line. The number of samples and lines in the segment can be specified as either a number of the - character. The "-" character means to the end of the file or to the last range sample. The SLC parameters such as the start time and starting slant range are updated by SLC_copy for the segment. The names of the ouput SLC and SLC parameter files are the same as the input data files. NOTE: The output directory  must be different than the directory were the input SLC data are located. 

The list of SLCs has 2 columns. The first column is the SLC name and the second is the SLC parameter file. The file names should include the full relative or absolute path to the file that applies.  For example if the script is run from a directory just above the directory that contains the SLC data, then the entries in the SLC_tab will include the name of the directory containing the SLC data. See the documentation on mk_tab for further information.



© Copyrights for Documentation, Users Guide and Reference Manual by Gamma Remote Sensing, 2012.
CW last change 17-Nov-2012.