Gamma DIFF: Reference Manual


ANSI-C program: interp_cpx.c

interp_cpx - FCOMPLEX valued image resampling based on biquadratic registration function using 2-D interpolation.

interp_cpx <image-2> <DIFF_par> <resamp_image> [loff] [nlines] [imode]

<image2> (input)FCOMPLEX image to be resampled to geometry of reference image-1 geometry
<DIFF_par> DIFF parameter file containing the registration polynomial coefficients
<resamp_image> (output) resampled image in the geometry of image-1
[loff] starting line in map (relative to start of image-1)
[nlines] number of lines to interpolate (enter - for all lines in the file)
[imode] interpolation mode:
  0:  nearest-neighbor
  1:  bicubic spline
  2:  9-pt SINC (default)

interp_cpx 19960421_19960422.diff 19960421_19960422.diff_par 19960421_19960422.rdiff

Resamples complex valued data set ( 19960421_19960422.diff) according to the biquadratic registration polynomial function stored in the DIFF_par using 2-D SINC interpolator.

interp_cpx reads the FCOMPLEX valued input data file and carries out a geometric transformation according to the the biquadratic registration polynomial stored in the DIFF_par parameter file. The user can select between nearest neighbor, bicubic spline or SINC interpolation. SINC interpolation is the default interpolation mode. The biquadratic registration function is determined and stored in the DIFF parameter file using the programs offset_pwrm and offset_fitm.

The starting line (relative to the reference geometry of image-1) and the number of output lines (of output image) may be selected.

typedef_ISP.h, typedef_DIFF.h, interp_cpx_nn, offset_pwrm, offset_fitm .

© Copyrights for Documentation, Users Guide and Reference Manual by Gamma Remote Sensing, 2008.
UW, CW, last change 10-Aug-2008.