Gamma DIFF: Reference Manual

Generate DEM parameter, MLI parameter and image files for RISAT-1 MLI data in GEOTIFF format

ANSI-C programs: par_RISAT_geo.c

par_RISAT_geo - reads RISAT-1 GeoTIFF data as provided by ISRO and creates a DEM parameter file, ISP image parameter, and MLI image  file in the format used by GAMMA software.

par_RISAT_geo <annotation_XML> <GEOTIFF> <polarization> <DEM_par> <MLI_par> <MLI>

<annotation_XML> (input) RISAT-1 product annotation XML file (product.xml)
<GeoTIFF> (input) image data file in GeoTIFF format (example: scene_RH/imagery_RH.tif)
polarization RV, RH of the GeoTIFF image data
<DEM_par> (output) DEM parameter file
(output) ISP image parameter file
<MLI> (output) calibrated image intensity data extracted from the GeoTIFF scaled using calibration factor (FLOAT)


par_RISAT_geo product.xml scene_RH/imagergy_RH.tif RH 20120507.dem_par 20120507.mli.par 20120507.mli

Reads the  XML annotationproduct.xml file, GeoTiff data file imagergy_RH.tif. Output is the DEM parameter file 20120507.dem_par, and the MLI image and MLI image parameter files 20120507.mli and 20120507.mli.par.


The RISAT-1 radar satellite was launched in April 2012 by ISRO the Indian Space Research Organization and produces data in the GeoTIFF format similar to that produced by RADARSAT-2.  This program generates the MLI parameter file and DEM parameter file that describe the scene. The program extracts the MLI image data from the GeoTIFF file and writes it as float format to a file with dimensions as described in the DEM_par and MLI parameter file. The MLI data are in big-endian byte order.

Here is an example DEM parameter file:

Gamma DIFF&GEO DEM/MAP parameter file
title: 1821sd1_s20 RH
DEM_projection:     UTM
data_format:        REAL*4
DEM_hgt_offset:          0.00000
DEM_scale:               1.00000
width:                7321
nlines:               8214
corner_north:  2446510.516   m
corner_east:    204043.324   m
post_north:     -4.5000000   m
post_east:       4.5000000   m

ellipsoid_name: WGS84
ellipsoid_ra:        6378137.000   m
ellipsoid_reciprocal_flattening:  298.2572236

datum_name: WGS 1984
datum_shift_dx:              0.000   m
datum_shift_dy:              0.000   m
datum_shift_dz:              0.000   m
datum_scale_m:         0.00000e+00
datum_rotation_alpha:  0.00000e+00   arc-sec
datum_rotation_beta:   0.00000e+00   arc-sec
datum_rotation_gamma:  0.00000e+00   arc-sec
datum_country_list Global Definition, WGS84, World

projection_name: UTM
projection_zone:                 46
false_easting:           500000.000   m
false_northing:               0.000   m
projection_k0:            0.9996000
center_longitude:        93.0000000   decimal degrees
center_latitude:          0.0000000   decimal degrees

And the associated MLI image parameter file:

Gamma Interferometric SAR Processor (ISP) - Image Parameter File

title:     1821sd1_s20 RH
sensor:    RISAT-1 STRIPMAP-96 RH
date:      2012  5  7 23 46 20.85000
start_time:             85580.850000   s
center_time:                0.000000   s
end_time:                   0.000000   s
azimuth_line_time:     0.0000000e+00  s
line_header_size:                  0
range_samples:                  7321
azimuth_lines:                  8214
range_looks:                       2
azimuth_looks:                     4
image_format:               FLOAT
image_geometry:             GEOCODED
range_scale_factor:     1.0000000e+00
azimuth_scale_factor:   1.0000000e+00
center_latitude:          21.9343905   degrees
center_longitude:         90.2943160   degrees
heading:                 192.3745575   degrees
range_pixel_spacing:        4.500000   m
azimuth_pixel_spacing:      4.500000   m
near_range_slc:           466177.2722   m
center_range_slc:              0.0000   m
far_range_slc:                 0.0000   m
first_slant_range_polynomial:        0.00000      0.00000  0.00000e+00  0.00000e+00  0.00000e+00  0.00000e+00  s m 1 m^-1 m^-2 m^-3
center_slant_range_polynomial:       0.00000      0.00000  0.00000e+00  0.00000e+00  0.00000e+00  0.00000e+00  s m 1 m^-1 m^-2 m^-3
last_slant_range_polynomial:         0.00000      0.00000  0.00000e+00  0.00000e+00  0.00000e+00  0.00000e+00  s m 1 m^-1 m^-2 m^-3
incidence_angle:             39.5356   degrees
azimuth_deskew:          ON
azimuth_angle:              -90.0000   degrees
radar_frequency:        5.3500000e+09   Hz
adc_sampling_rate:      8.3330000e+07   Hz
chirp_bandwidth:        7.5000000e+07   Hz
prf:                     2915.111940   Hz
azimuth_proc_bandwidth:   2341.28857   Hz
doppler_polynomial:          0.00000  0.00000e+00  0.00000e+00  0.00000e+00  Hz     Hz/m     Hz/m^2     Hz/m^3
doppler_poly_dot:        0.00000e+00  0.00000e+00  0.00000e+00  0.00000e+00  Hz/s   Hz/s/m   Hz/s/m^2   Hz/s/m^3
doppler_poly_ddot:       0.00000e+00  0.00000e+00  0.00000e+00  0.00000e+00  Hz/s^2 Hz/s^2/m Hz/s^2/m^2 Hz/s^2/m^3
receiver_gain:                0.0000   dB
calibration_gain:             0.0000   dB
sar_to_earth_center:                   0.0000   m
earth_radius_below_sensor:             0.0000   m
earth_semi_major_axis:           6378137.0000   m
earth_semi_minor_axis:           6356752.3141   m
number_of_state_vectors:                    0

Users Guide, par_RISAT_SLCtypedef_ISP.h, typedef_DIFF.h

© Copyrights for Documentation, Users Guide and Reference Manual by Gamma Remote Sensing 2012.
CW, last change 21-Dec-2012.