Gamma DIFF&GEO: Reference Manual


List of DEM/Map Projection Parameter Sets.

To display the current list contained in projection_params.h press here.

Used by the programs create_dem_par, coord_trans to support the DEM/Map Projection Parameter definition, for the projections for UTM, TM, OMCH, LCC, PC, AEAC, LCC2, OM, HOM.

Each line of the list contains the following parameters (corresponding to the structure PRO_PAR defined in typedef_DIFF.h:

Structure Elements Example Definition
name[80] TM - United Kingdom, England name of projection
pro_par_num 34 projection parameter set number (line in the list)
zone 0 zone number
false_east 400000 false easting x0 (m)
false_north -100000 false northing y0 (m)
k0 0.9996012717 scale factor k0
lon0 -2 center longitude (decimal degrees)
lat0 49 center latitude (decimal degrees)

Users Guide, datums.h, projection_params.h, typedef_ISP.h, typedef_DIFF.h, create_dem_par, coord_trans .

© Copyrights for Documentation, Users Guide and Reference Manual by Gamma Remote Sensing, 2000.
UW, CW, last change 22-Mar-2000.