Gamma DIFF: Reference Manual


ANSI-C program: quad_sub.c

quad_sub -  Subtract quadratic model phase function from a differential interferogram

quad_sub <int-1> <DIFF_par> <int-2> [int_type] [mode]

<int-1> (input) differential interferogram (float or fcomplex)
<DIFF_par> (input) DIFF processing parameter file
<int-2> (output) output interferogram (same format as input)
[int_type] interferogram type:
  0: unwrapped interferometric phase (float)
  1: fcomplex interferogram
[mode] add or subtract phase model:
   0: subtract phase model from DIFF_par (default)
   1: add phase model from DIFF_par

quad_sub 20120429.TSX_HH_20120429.TDX_HH.adf.diff 20120429.TSX_HH_20120429.TDX_HH.diff_par 20120429.TSX_HH_20120429.TDX_HH.adf.qs_diff 1 0

input interferogram is fcomplex format. Subtracting the polynomial phase model stored in the DIFF_par

quad_sub subtracts a 2D quadratic phase unction from either an unwrapped or wrapped interferogram. The 2D quadratic phase function parameters are stored in the DIFF_par parameter file. These parameters are estimated using the quad_fit  program that requires an unwrapped interferogram as input. The phase model function has 3 possible forms depending on the model option used with quad_fit .

model 0:  a0  +  a1*x   +  a2*y   +  a3*x*y  +  a4*x^2  +  a5 *y^2 : linear and quadratic phase ramps in range and azimuth
model 1:  a0  +  a4*x^2 +  a5*y^2   a1 = 0.0, a2 = 0.0, a3 = 0.0   : quadratic phase ramp in range and azimuth
model 2:  a0  +  a1*x   +  a2*y     a2 = 0.0, a4 = 0.0, a5 = 0.0   : linear phase ramp in range and azimuth

The user has the option of  either adding or subtracting the phase model from the interferogram.

The data format of the output interferogram is the same as the input interferogram

quad_fit, sub_phase, typedef_ISP.h, typedef_DIFF.h.

© Copyrights for Documentation, Users Guide and Reference Manual by Gamma Remote Sensing, 2013.
UW, CW, last change 23-Aug-2013