GAMMA DIFF & GEO Reference Manual


ANSI-C program: ras_clist.c

ras_clist - draw coordinate list locations on a SUN/BMP raster image

ras_clist <clist> <ras_in> <ras_out> [xsf] [ysf] [r] [g] [b] [xs] [zflg]

<clist> (input) list of x,y pixel coordinates (text format)
<ras_in> (input) SUN/BMP raster file (8 or 24 bits/sample, enter - for none)
<ras_out> (output) SUN/BMP raster file with marked point list locations
[xsf] horizontal scale factor for image relative to the coordinates (default: 1.0)
[ysf] vertical scale factor for image relative to the coordinates (default: 1.0)
[r] cross color value red (0 --> 255, default: 255)
[g] cross color value green (0 --> 255, default: 255)
[b] cross color value blue (0 --> 255, default: 0)
[xs] size of cross in pixels, set to 1 for single points (default: 3)
[zflg] zero out flag (default=0: retain values, 1: set all values to 0 except crosses)


ras_clist clist_RDC 19970924_seg.mli.ras 19970924_seg_clist.mli.ras 4 4 255 255 0 7

Generates an 8-bit SUN rasterfile which corresponds to the input 8-bit SUN rasterfile 19970924_seg.mli.ras except for yellow crosses added at the coordinates of all points of the point list. in range-Doppler coordinates. The MLI image was calculated from the SLC image using 4 looks in range and 4 looks in azimuth.

ras_clist clist_MAP 19970924_gec.mli.ras 19970924_gec_clist.mli.ras .25 .25 255 255 0 7

Generates an 8-bit SUN rasterfile which corresponds to the input 8-bit SUN rasterfile 19970924_gec.mli.ras except for yellow crosses added at the coordinates of all points of the point list. in Map coordinates. The points were selected using sub-sampling factors of 4 in easting and northing when running dem_RDC_list.

The clist contains coordinates (row and colomn pixel numbers) for a set of locations generated using dem_RDC_list. ras_clist supports the generation of a SUN/BMP raster file image which shows the point list locations in the spatial context. As background the input SUN/BMP raster file is used. For the input SUN/BMP raster file (in the "normal" 2-D raster image format) either in Range Doppler Coordinates (RDC) or in a map projection described by the DEM_par2 generate by dem_RDC_list.

The input SUN/BMP raster file can be 8-bit or 24-bit per sample. The output SUN/BMP raster file will be of the same type as the input SUN/BMP raster file. In the 8-bit case the color of the crosses is added to the color table. In the case of a full color table pixels belonging to color 255 are moved to color 254 and color 255 is used for the crosses.

For the crosses the color (red, green, blue values in the range of 0 to 255 ) and the size (in pixels) can be indicated. Using a size of 1 will plot a single pixel. Instead of using the input SUN/BMP raster file as background only the crosses can be written to the output rasterfile if the zero out flag is set to 1. Using this feature with a cross size one results in a rasterfile which can serve as a mask with non-zero values only at the point locations.


© Copyrights for Documentation, Users Guide and Reference Manual by Gamma Remote Sensing, 2005.
UW, CW, TS, last change 7-Apr-2005.