GAMMA Display (DISP): Documentation

DISP Reference Manual

The Reference Manual describes the individual programs of the DISP Software package. Display radar image data and interferometric data sets, generation of  raster images (Sun raster or BMP) for these data, tools for creation of GeoTIFF images, generation of RGB raster images, selection of ground control points, file  operations (real to complex, complex to real, arithmetic operations, byte swapping), image transformations such as copy,  fill, flip, or value replacement, generation of KML files for Google Earth.

DISP Installation

The Installation Manual provides information on how to install the software. If you have the source code distribution, there is information on how to compile and link the source code.

© Copyrights for Documentation, and Reference Manual by Gamma Remote Sensing, 2013.
UW, CW, last change 15-Aug-2013.