GAMMA Display Software (DISP):

DISP Reference Manual:

Table of Contents

DISP Overview

Screen display programs based on GTK (DISP/src)

Raster file generation programs (DISP/src)

Vector and XML file generation programs (DISP/src)

Utility Programs

Application of DISP programs to Gamma Data Products

DISP Overview

The Display software consists of programs for screen display of data files produced by the gamma software based upon the GTK toolkit (, programs for generating raster images in the SUN raster or BMP format, vector and XML format, and utility programs for working with images and data.

The screen display and raster generation programs are parallel in terms of functionality. For example the program for screen display of detected intensity images is called dispwr, while the program for generation of a raster images of the same data set is called raspwr. The raster images can be displayed using either the disras program that is part of the DISP package or other image file viewer such as xv or Photoshop.

The directory tree for the software in the DISP is as follows:

./DISP main directory
./DISP/bin executables for DISP package./DISP/lib
./DISP/src ANSI C source files for DISP package
./DISP/html HTML documentation

The following files give information on the structure and
installation of the DISP:

./DISP/CHANGES_DISP change log for programs in the DISP

Screen display programs based on GTK (DISP/src)

Screen display programs in the DISP are based upon the GTK libraries for creation of graphic user interfaces. These programs are all command line driven. To see the parameters need for display of a particular type of file, simply type the program name on the command line. A listing of the parameter names will be printed out as shown below for the program dismph:

*** DISP dismph: display of magnitude/phase of complex image ***
*** Copyright 2012, Gamma Remote Sensing, v1.4 23-Sep-2012 clw ***
usage: dismph <cpx> <width> [start] [nlines] [scale] [exp] [data_type]
input parameters:
cpx (input) complex data (FCOMPLEX or SCOMPLEX format)
width complex samples per line
start starting line to display (default=1))
nlines number of lines to display (default=0: to end of file)
scale display scale factor (default=1.0)
exp display exponent (default=.35)
data_type input data type (default=0)
   0: FCOMPLEX (default)

Parameters surrounded with rectangular brackets are optional. The information required for display is the name of the file and the number of samples/row of the image. By default the entire image is displayed, but options are available for the starting line (starting at 1) and the number of lines to display. Images are scaled using a relative linear multiplier and an exponent such that the pixel value displayed on the screen is given by

pixel_DN = relative_scale*sc*(data**exp)

The data value for complex images is the sum of the squares of the real and imaginary components. The absolute scale factor sc is determined from the average intensity of the entire image estimated by summing samples distributed over the image. An exponent of .5 should be chosen if the screen intensity is to be proportional to the magnitude of the complex data. Multilook SAR images are assumed to be proportional to the intensity or power of the backscatter when displayed using programs such as dispwr. Below is a listing of the available display programs.

Display Data Types

In the Gamma software most real valued image data files are using float (4-byte floating point) format. Complex numbers, consisting of a real and an imaginary part, are either stored in fcomplex (pairs of float, 8 bytes in total) or scomplex (pairs of 2-byte short integer, 4 bytes in total) format. scomplex format is mainly used for Single Look Complex (SLC) data in order to save space. The programs disSLC , rasSLC , and dis2SLC accept options that specify the data format.

A number of the display programs are designed to merge the contents of two data files in the display. For example, dismph_pwr combines the intensity of one file with the phase from another. The data are packed such that there are 4 bits of phase information and 4 bits of intensity information for each pixel on the display screen. This program is particularly useful when looking at interferograms, where the intensity derived from one of the SAR images and the phase from the complex interferogram.

Relevant phase unwrapping information is stored in a so called flag file containing one byte per interferogram sample. This byte contains information on residues, cuts, tree branches, the progress of the unwrapping etc. There are programs (disflag, distree) that display phase unwrapping flag files.

DISP Screen Display programs

Program Screen Display Function
dis2SLC 2 complex images, flip between images (intensity only display). Supports both short integer complex and floating point complex data, flip between images for rapid comparison.
dis2byte 2 unsigned byte/sample image files, grey scale intensity display, flip between images for rapid comparison
dis2cc 2 correlation files, color display of correlation, flip between images
dis2hgt 2 DEM height files, height displayed as a periodic color cycle, flip between images
dis2mph 2 complex files as magnitude/phase (flip between images) intensity and phase coded as a periodic color cycle
dis2pwr 2 intensity files, grey scale intensity display, flip between images. Supports both short integer or floating point data
dis2ras 2 SUN or BMP raster format image files, flip between images
dis2rmg 2 unwrapped phase files, intensity display + phase (color), flip between images
disSLC SLC data, supports both short integer complex (ESA format) and floating point complex formats, intensity display with grey scale
dis_dB real valued data displayed using logarithmic scaling with grey scale, dynamic range can be specified as minimum and maximum dB values
dis_linear real valued data displayed using linear scaling with grey scale, dynamic range can be set as minimum and maximum (minimum value can be negative)
disbyte unsigned byte data with scaling (default scale factor = 1.0) such that pixel_DN = scale*data
discc interferometric correlation in color combined with the the image intensity
disdem_par DEM displayed in shaded relief, cursor position easting/northing and latitude, longitude, easting, and northing are calculated
disdt_pwr24 display deformation or height (float format using a  background grayscale image similar to rasdt_pwr24  (24 bit display)
disflag phase unwrapping flags (residues, cuts, neutrons, low SNR, unwrapped regions) in various combinations
dishgt DEM heights and image intensity, height displayed with a periodic color cycle
dismph floating point complex (FCOMPLEX) or short integer complex (SCOMPLEX) data displayed using intensity and phase represented by a periodic color cycle
dismph_pk display of magnitude/phase of complex image (FCOMPLEX or SCOMPLEX), scale relative to the peak value
dismph_fft displays short integer complex or floating point complex images using intensity and phase represented by a periodic color cycle. A second window displays the 2D FFT of window selected using the cursor to locate the window center.
dismph_pwr merged display of complex phase (color) and image intensity from a second file
dismph_pwr24 display fcomplex file using a background grayscale image, similar to rasmph_pwr24 (24 bit display)
dismph_ub Display complex byte format (IQ) SAR raw data as magnitude and phase
dispwr intensity images displayed using grey scale, supports floating point or unsigned short integer formats
disras raster images (8 or 24 bits/pixel) in Sun raster or BMP format
disras_dem_par raster images (8 or 24 bits/pixel) in Sun raster or BMP format. DEM parameters used to determine cursor latitude, longitude, easting, and northing
disrmg merged display of unwrapped phase displayed as a perodic color cycle and image intensity from a second file
disshd DEM heights displayed as a shaded relief grey scale
distree phase unwrapping flags, unwrapped phase and phase unwrapping tree structure and flags
gcp_ras display and enter ground control points using a Sun raster or BMP format image
polyras display SUN raster or BMP image and select polygonal regions for classification applications
tree_edit display phase unwrapping flag file and SUN raster or BMP image and edit phase unwrapping cuts, neutrons, and low SNR regions

The display program pops up as a single window as shown in the figure below. In this example, the program dismph_pwr was used to display a backscatter image combined with the phase of a complex interferogram. The intensity of the image is from the backscatter file and the colors are proportional to phase. The color cycle is periodic just as the phase is periodic, covering the range 0 to 2PI (or equivalently from 0 to 360.0 degrees), such that a phase of 0 (0 degrees) has the same color as a phase of 2PI (360 degrees). Unwrapped phase images and DEM data can also be displayed using a similar scheme. In these cases one cycle of the color wheel is equivalent to a height or phase increment that can be specified by the user on the command line.

dismph_pwr screenshot

This screen shot shows the basic elements of the display programs. There is an image display window, a zoom window, zoom window position, data values at the zoom window center, and color table selection radio bar. Clicking with the left mouse button within the main image window will cause a zoomed version to appear in the zoom window at right. Holding the left button while moving will cause the zoom window display to track the cursor.

Color tables are selected by clicking the desired radio button. Options included the default color table for the image (user), 4 or 8-bit grayscale (grey, lower 4 bits), mag/phase (4 bits intensity, 4 bits color), and phase only (upper 4 bits). The user color table button selects the color table supplied with image. The last two color tables are specifically for looking at images that are coded as 4 bits intensity and 4 bits phase such as complex data in the program dismph. Clicking the center mouse button will switch color tables between the magnitude/phase and phase color tables on the radio button bar.

For a number of data types there are programs to display two images simultaneously: dis2SLC, dis2cc, dis2hgt, dis2mph, dis2pwr, dis2ras, and dis2rmg. For these programs, clicking the center button will rapidly flip between the images. When the user clicks the left mouse button, data values from both files are extracted from the original files and printed out in the display. Finally, typing the letter "q" (for quit) on the keyboard will immediately exit any of the display programs with the exception of gcp_ras.

Raster file generation programs (DISP/src)

Program Function
rasSLC intensity of complex valued SAR data (fcomplex or scomplex)
ras8_color_scale generate color scale for 8-bit rasterfile generated with program ras8_float
ras8_float generate 8-bit raster file from one or two float images with user defined scaling and color model
ras24_float generate 24-bit raster file from three float images (RGB, HLS, or HSV color model)
ras_dB intensity (float) using logarithmic dB scaling
ras_linear intensity (float) using linear scaling
rasbyte unsigned byte data (uchar) using linear scaling (pixel_DN = scale*data)
rascc correlation coefficient (float, linear scaling, -> color) and intensity (float, power-law scaling, -> brightness)
rashgt height (float, linear scaling, -> color) and intensity (float, power-law scaling, -> brightness)
ras_cpt generate raster image of float data using a color map file
rasdt_pwr24 24-bit SUN/BMP raster file of float parameter (e.g. deformation) + intensity image
rashgt_shd height-1 (float, linear scaling, -> color) and height-2 (float, shaded relief, -> brightness)
rasmph phase (color) and magnitude (brightness) of FCOMPLEX or SCOMPLEX data (fcomplex)
rasmph_pwr 8-bit SUN/BMP raster file of complex magnitude + intensity image
Optional: greyscale display of regions with correlation below a specified threshold
rasmph_pwr24 24-bit SUN/BMP raster file of complex magnitude + intensity image
raspwr intensity (float or short, power-law scaling, -> brightness)
ras3pwr generate 24-bit RGB raster image of 3 intensity files (float format)
rasrmg phase (color) of unwrapped phase data (float) and intensity (float, power-law scaling, -> brightness)
optional: greyscale display of regions with correlation below a specified threshold
rasshd shaded relief map generated from height data file (float)
rastree combined display of unwrapped phase (float), phase from interferogram (fcomplex), and phase unwrapping tree structure and flags

The raster file generation programs (ras*) generate raster image files in either Sun raster or BMP format. By default SUN raster images are produced. BMP format images are produced by giving an output file name with the bmp extension (e.g. power1.bmp) and Sun raster images by the ras extension (e.g. power1.ras). If no name is given then a default output file name is created with the ras extension combined with the input file name. The command line options for each of the raster programs can be viewed by typing the name of the program and hitting return:

*** DISP raspwr: generate rasterfile of intensity image using power-law scale ***
*** Copyright 2000, Gamma Remote Sensing, v2.1 15-Jun-2000 clw ***

usage: raspwr <pwr> <width> [start] [nlines] [pixavr] [pixavaz] [scale] [exp] [LR] [rasf] [format] [hdrsz]
input parameters:
image intensity image (float)
width samples per row
start starting line to display (default=1)
nlines number lines to display (default=0: to end of file)
pixavr number of pixels to average in range (default=1)
pixavaz number of pixels to average in azimuth (default=1)
scale scale display factor (default=1.0)
exp display exponent (default=.35)
LR left/right mirror image flag, (1: normal (default), -1: mirror image)
rasf (output) image filename, enter - for default, extension determines the format:
   *.bmp BMP format
   *.ras Sun raster format (default)
format input data type (default=0)
               0: FLOAT
               1: SHORT INTEGER
hdrsz line header size in bytes (default=0, ESA PAF for PRI products=12)

The parameters are very similar with the analogous screen display programs with the exception of the pixavr and pixavaz parameters that allow averaging of the image data prior to detection, scaling and display. The extension of the output file (*.ras, or *.bmp) determines the format. The program will not accept any other extension.

Vector and XML file generation programs (DISP/src)

Program Function
kml_map creates kml file for data visualisation in Google Earth
kml_pt creates kml file for ascii table data (e.g. from IPTA) visualization in Google Earth
replace_values Replace value(s) of input data file with indicated value or values extracted from a second input data file (float)
svg_arrow compute arrows and draw over an image and store as svg file
svg_map creates map with scales of an image in svg format
svg_poly draw polygons over an image and store as svg file

Utility programs

There are several utility programs for changing the format of data and for extraction of data from a larger data set. ascii2float and float2ascii are programs for conversion of text format numerical data to floating point format and back.

The program cp_data is used to extract a segment of file in any data format.  This program is byte oriented so that the user must know the number of bytes/line. Complex data has 8 bytes per sample, floating point data 4, integer 4, and short integer 2.

The program swap_bytes is used to change the byte order between little endian and big endian data with 2, 4, and 8 bytes per sample.

Programs real_to_cpx and cpx_to_real are used to manipulate complex valued data and extra the real part, imaginary part, amplitude, and phase.

Use the programs data2geotiff and data2tiff to convert the Gamma image data files to TIFF format. The geotiff format can be read using programs in the Geospatial Data Abstraction Library  (GDAL)

The program flip is used to flip binary data (float, fcomplex, scomplex, uchar, and short) left/right and top/down.

The programs set_value and get_value are used for the reading and modifying values in the Gamma keyword:value parameter files.

Program Utility Program Function
Convert text format data to float format
cp_data Copy a segment of one file into another
cpd Copy segments of FLOAT, FCOMPLEX and SCOMPLEX data files
cpx_math Perform arithmetic operations on data files (fcomplex)
cpx_to_real Convert complex data type to real
data2tiff Export real and complex raster or image data into tiff format
data2geotiff Export real and complex raster or image data into GeoTIFF format
fill Fill gaps in data file 1 with values from data file 2
flip Flip binary data (float, fcomplex, scomplex, uchar, and short) right/left, top/bottom or both
Convert float format data to text format
float_math Perform arithmetic operations on data files (float)
get_value Extract value from a keyword:value based parameter file
real_to_cpx Convert 2 real data sets into a single fcomplex format file. The input data can be interpreted as either real and imaginary parts or as magnitude and phase.
set_value Set new value in a keyword based parameter file
swap_bytes Swap byte-order for binary data files

Application of DISP programs to Gamma Data Products

The DISP programs for screen display and raster file generation are quite general and can also support the display of data files not made by Gamma processing software. The main purpose of these programs is, however, to support the visualization of image data processed with Gamma Software. A list describing which DISP programs are applicable for the different data sets is given below:

File Extension Data Type DISP Programs
raw SAR data disbyte, dis2byte, dismph_ub, rasbyte
mli, rmli detected intensity images (both short integer and floating point) dispwr, dis_dB, dis_linear, dis2pwr, raspwr,ras_dB, ras_linear
slc, rslc single look complex images (SCOMPLEX or FCOMPLEX data type) disSLC, dis2SLC, rasSLC, dismph_fft, dismph, dismph_pwr
int, diff
complex interferograms and differential interferograms
dismph, dis2mph, dismph_fft, rasmph, rasmph_pwr,  dismph_pwr24, rasmph_pwr24
cc interferometric coherence
discc, dis2cc, rascc, ras_linear
terrain height data (DEM) dishgt, dis2hgt, disshd, rashgt, rashgt, rashgt_shd, disdt_pwr24, rasdt_pwr24
dem DEM data in a map projection coordinate system(DEM) disdem_par
unw unwrapped phase disrmg, dis2rmg, rasrmg, distree, rastree, disdt_pwr24
flag branch cut phase unwrapping flags disflag, distree, rastree,tree_edit
ras, bmp SUN or BMP format both 8 and 24 bits/sample disras, dis2ras, polyras, gcp_ras
ras, bmp SUN or BMP format both 8 and 24 bits/sample in a map projection coordinate system. disras_dem_par
kml kml (Keyhole Markup Language) file, data for display in Google Earth kml_map
svg svg Scalable Vectors Graphic file svg_arrow, svg_map, svg_poly

© Copyrights for Documentation and Reference Manual by Gamma Remote Sensing, 2013.
UW, CW, awi, last change 26-Jun-2015.