Gamma DISP: Reference Manual


ANSI-C program: cp_data.c

cp_data - Extraction of a segment from a 2D data set

cp_data <infile> <outfile> <lbytes> [start] [nlines] [offset] [file_ldr] [offb] [nbyte]

<infile> input data file
<outfile> output data file
<lbytes> length of each line in bytes
[start] starting line (default: 1)
[nlines] number of lines to copy (default:0 entire file)
[offset] offset (bytes) to skip from the start of the file (default: 0)
[file_ldr] size of file leader(bytes) to copy after a skipping [offset] bytes (default: 0)
[offb] offset in bytes for each record to start copy (default: 0)
[nbyte] number of bytes to copy from each record (default:  lbytes - offb)

cp_data 1352_1610.flt 1352_1610.section 20000 1000 700 0 0 4000 6400 (extracts 700 lines of 800 range pixels (complex float i.e. 8 byte per pixel) starting at line 1000 and range pixel 500)

cp_data reads the input data in any format and then extracts the user defined image section to the output file. The file_ldr parameter permits inclusion of a leader record at the start of the data with a different length than the data records themselves. Such is the case with CEOS format image and raw data sets.

© Copyrights for Documentation, and Reference Manual by Gamma Remote Sensing, 2015.
UW, CW, last change 26-Jun-2015.