Gamma DISP: Reference Manual


ANSI-C program: cpd.c

cp_data - Extraction of user defined image or data segment.

  cpd <din> <dout> <width> <dtype> <xoff> <nx> <yoff> <ny>

<din> (input) input data file
<dout> (output) output data file
<width> number of data values/line in the input data file
<dtype> input data type:
              0: FLOAT (4 bytes/value)
              1: FCOMPLEX (4 bytes float real, 4 bytes float imaginary)
              2: SCOMPLEX (2 bytes int real, 2 bytes int imaginary)
<xoff> offset to starting sample (samples) (enter - for default: 0)
<nx> number of output samples/line (enter - for default: to end of line)
<yoff> offset to starting line (lines) (enter - for default: 0)
<ny>  number of output lines (enter - for default: to end of file)

cpd 20141015.rslc 20141015_seg.rslc 47639 2 0 5000 0 -

The command extracts a segment of the data file 20141015.rslc and saves it in the file 20141015_seg.rslc. There are 47639 samples/line and the data type is SCOMPLEX(dtype =2).  The starting x pixel has offset 0 and the number of samples/line of the segment is 5000. The segment starts at offset line 0 and continues to the end of the file.

cpd reads the input data in formats FLOAT, FCOMPLEX or SCOMLEX and then extracts the user defined image section to the output file.  The upper left corner of the extracted segment that is edefined by offsets to the starting x sample and y line. The dimensions of the extract segment are defined by the nx and ny parameters.  This is very useful for examining sections of SLC mosaics from Sentinel-1 that have more than 32767 samples/line. The display programs in the gamma software as well as SUN and BMP raster image formats are limited to a maximum size of 32767 samples and 32767 lines.  The X display protocol cannot display objects that are more the 32767 in width or height.

© Copyrights for Documentation, and Reference Manual by Gamma Remote Sensing, 2015.
UW, CW, last change 26-Jun-2015.