Gamma DISP: Reference Manual


ANSI-C program: data2tiff.c

data2tiff - data2tiff is an universal data (short, float, complex, sun raster, BMP) to geotiff converter. It's use is to convert GAMMA results into GeoTIFF, an universal GIS data exchange format.

data2tiff <data> <width> <type> <TIFF> [nodata] [xspacing] [yspacing]

<data> (input) data file
<width> input data file width
<type> input data type:
0: Sun raster or BMP image
1: short data
2: float data
3: scomplex data
4: fcomplex data(input) polygon point file, format: x-coord y-coord index text
<TIFF> (output) TIFF file (.tif is the recommended extension)
[nodata] image width (overruled by dem_par width if applicable)
[xspacing] pixel spacing in x-direction (ignored if omitted)
[yspacing] pixel spacing in x-direction (ignored if omitted, default=xspacing)

data2tiff srtm3_seg.dem 1800 2 srtm3_seg.dem.tif -1

Converts the float data file srtm3_seg.dem with width 1800 into TIFF format, and sets -1 values to no data.

data2tiff TIFF is an universal GIS data exchange format including geospatial metadata. This programs allows convert binary and image data into TIFF format. The programs depends on the geospatial abstraction library GDAL.

All messages are generally self-explanatory.

data2geotiff that allows to preserve the projection information from a DEM_par file.

Website with information and links about the GeoTIFF data format.
© Copyrights for Documentation, and Reference Manual by Gamma Remote Sensing, 2008.
awi, last change 11-Mar-2008.