Gamma DISP: Reference Manual


ANSI-C program: flip.c

flip - flip data right/left, top/bottom or both

flip <infile> <outfile> <width> [format] [sense]

<infile> input data file
<outfile> output data file (flipped)
<width> number of samples/row
[format] input/output file format flag
(default=0:float, 1:fcomplex, 2:scomplex, 3:uchar, 4:short)
[sense] flip sense flag
(default=1:right/left, 2:top/bottom, 3:right/left and top/bottom)

flip 1352_1610.flt 1352_1610.flt_flipped 2500 1

right/left flipping of file consisting of fcomplex data.

flip 1352.pri_flipped 1352.pri 2500 1 2

top/bottom flipping of file consisting of float data.

flip 1352.pri_flipped 1352.pri 2500 4 3

right/left and top/bottom flipping of file consisting of short integers.

flip reads the input data in indicated format, and will flip the image depending on the value of the sense command line parameter. The program can flip the data either right/left, top/bottom or both. Flipped data are written to disk in the same format.

The supported formats are float, short integer, unsigned char, fcomplex (pairs of float), and scomplex (pairs of short).

© Copyrights for Documentation, and Reference Manual by Gamma Remote Sensing, 2001.
UW, CW, last change 7-Dec-2001.