Gamma DISP: Reference Manual


ANSI-C program: kml_map.c

kml_map - Creates a kml XML file with a linke to a given image using geometry from a dem_par file.

kml_map <image> <dem_par> [kml]

<image> (input) URL of background image in bmp, png or jpg format, needs to be in EQA projection with WGS84 for googlearth
<dem_par> (input) corresponding dem_par file
[kml] (output) kml output file (default = *.kml)

kml_map biomass_6_14_eqa.bmp biomass_6_14_eqa.dem_par biomass_6_14.kml

Generates the biomass_6_14.kml kml XML file that can be imported into Google Earth for visualisation. The image that will be displayed is biomass_6_14_eqa.bmp, with corner coordinates given in biomass_6_14_eqa.dem_par.

kml_map creates a kml XML file that can be displayed with Google Earth. Input parameters are an image file in bmp, jpg, png etc format and the corresponding dem_par file. Its is important to note that Google Earth works in EQA with potentially WGS84 as geoid.
The resulting kml file can be edited using any text editor.
If the image format supports transparency (e.g. png) its is also used within Google Earth. This allows to use a standard image editor such as gimp to edit the image and add transparency for better visualisation of the image in Google Earth.
Google Earth is a product of Google. Check the website for more information and license info.

All messages are generally self-explanatory.

kml implementation of Google Earth

© Copyrights for Documentation, and Reference Manual by Gamma Remote Sensing, 2007.
awi, CW, last change 21-May-2007.