Gamma DISP: Reference Manual


ANSI-C program: ras_cpt.c

ras_cpt - Generate a rasterfile of height values using a color map file

ras_cpt <hgt> <width> <cpt> [color_model] [start_hgt] [nlines] [pixavr] [pixavaz] [LR] [rasf]

<hgt> (input) data file (float)
<width> samples per row of input data
<cpt> (input) color map file (see below for format information), *.cpt
[color_model] color_model color model selection flag: (default=0)
0: RGB color model
1: HLS (double hexagon color model)
2: HSV (single hexagon color model)
[start_hgt] starting line of input data file (default=1)
[nlines] number of lines to display (default=0: to end of file)
[pixavr] number of pixels to average in range (default=1)
[pixavaz] number of pixels to average in azimuth (default=1)
[LR] left/right flipping flag, (default=1: normal, -1: mirror image)
[rasf] (output) raster image file (default=*.ras: SUN raster format, *.bmp: BMP format)

ras_cpt niger.dem 450 GMT_topo.cpt 2 1

Generates an (24-bit) SUN raster from the input height file niger.dem using the color map defined in GMT_topo.cpt. The values in GMT_topo.cpt are HSV.

ras_cpt generates an 24-bit SUN raster or BMP format image from a real-valued input data file (float) using an external color map file. The color map file is a text file with the start class-value, 3 color components for the start value, the stop class-value with 3 color components (same format as in e.g. in GMT. GMT cpt files can be used without modification. Take care to use the corresponding color mode when you call the program).

Example color map (cpt) file:

#       $Id: GMT_topo.cpt,v 2000/12/28 01:23:45 gmt Exp $
# Colormap using in Teconic Maps (Anderson, Sandwell, Wessel)
# Designed by D. Sandwell, Scripps
-7000   290     0.45    0.85    -6500   265     0.45    0.85
-6500   265     0.40    0.90    -6000   240     0.40    0.90
-6000   240     0.40    0.90    -5500   220     0.40    0.90
-5500   220     0.40    0.90    -5000   199     0.40    0.90
-5000   199     0.40    0.90    -4500   175     0.40    0.95
-4500   175     0.40    0.95    -4000   150     0.45    0.95
-4000   150     0.45    0.95    -3500   125     0.45    0.95
-3500   125     0.45    0.95    -3000   99      0.45    0.95
-3000   99      0.45    0.95    -2500   75      0.45    0.95
-2500   75      0.45    0.95    -2000   50      0.45    0.95
-2000   50      0.45    0.95    -1500   25      0.45    0.95
-1500   25      0.45    0.95    -500    10      0.35    0.85
-500    0       0.25    0.85    0       0       0.25    0.80
0       195     0.35    0.70    200     160     0.40    0.70
200     160     0.40    0.70    400     125     0.45    0.70
400     125     0.45    0.70    600     99      0.45    0.80
600     99      0.45    0.80    1000    75      0.45    0.80
1000    75      0.45    0.80    1500    50      0.35    0.90
1500    50      0.35    0.90    3500    25      0.10    1.00
3500    25      0.05    1       7000    0       0.00    1.00
B       290     0.45    1.0
F       0       0.00    1.0

Lines starting with # are ignored. The special records starting with F, B, N indicate the colors for the foreground (F), background (B) and for 0.0, indicating no value, (N). Foreground color is not applicable in this program. The background color is used for any not otherwise assigned colored values. If a value falls within several different records the last record in the cpt file is dominant. I F, B, N records are not provided the color values are set to 0.

Multi-looking and the selection of a reduced number of lines may be applied. For the generation of a corresponding color scale ras_cpt_scale may be used.

© Copyrights for Documentation, and Reference Manual by Gamma Remote Sensing, 2005.
awi, UW, CW, last change 22-Nov-2005