ANSI-C program: svg_arrow.c
svg_arrow - Draws arrows from length and direction
information and stores the result in scalable vector graphics
format with a linke to a background image.
svg_arrow <dv_norm> <dv_phi> <width>
<svg> [image] [norm] [gridx] [gridy] [color] [thick]
<dv_norm> | (input) arrow length file (float) |
<dv_phi> | (input) arrow direction file (float) |
<width> | number of samples/row |
<svg> | (output) svg output file |
[image] | URL of background image in png or jpg format (- for no background image) |
[norm] | arrow length normalisation factor (default = 1.0) |
[gridx] | step size for arrow grid in x direction (default = 10) |
[gridy] | step size for arrow grid in y direction (default = gridx) |
[color] | black, white, blue etc (default = black) |
[thick] | line thickness in pixels (default = 1) |
[head] | arrow head size (default = 3) |
svg_arrow velocity.disp velocity.phi 5300 glacier.svg
Draws arrows computed from velocity.disp (length) and velocity.phi (direction) over the map map.bmp using default values for gridding, color etc and stores the result in glacier.svg a scalable vector graphics file. It can be viewed by any SVG capable graphics program such as inkscape, sodipodi or a standard web browser.
svg_arrow computes arrows and draws the information on an
image and stores in SVG XML format that can be displayed in a
wide range of graphics software and image browsers. Its advantage
is its portability and the vector format that allows to scale
text and lines without quality loss. SVG is an open standard
published by the World Wide Web Consortium. The resulting SVG
file can be edited in any text editor.
All messages are generally self-explanatory.
W3C page: Scalable
Vector Graphics (SVG)