Gamma DISP: Reference Manual


ANSI-C program: svg_poly.c

svg_poly - Draws polygons on a map and stores result in scalable vector graphics format with a linke to the given image.

svg_poly <image> <dem_par> <poly> <svg> [width] [nlines] [thick] [lcolor] [lopac] [pcolor] [popac] [tcolor] [font] [fsize]

<image> (input) URL of background image in bmp, png or jpg format
<dem_par> (input) corresponding dem_par file
<poly> (input) polygon point file, format: x-coord y-coord index text
<svg> (output) svg output file
[width] image width (overruled by dem_par width if applicable)
[nlines] number of image lines (overruled by dem_par nlines if applicable)
[mode] drawing mode (default = 0)
0: draw a solid polygon connecting points
1: draw a solid arc connecting points
2: draw a dashed polygon connecting points
3: draw a dashed arc connecting points
4: draw a solid polygon that respects insideness specified by the points
5: draw a dashed polygon that respects insideness specified by the points
6: draw crosses
7: draw triangles
8: draw circles
9: draw boxes
10: only text
[thick] line thickness in pixels (default = 1.0)
[lcolor] line/symbol color (default = black), use none for no stroke lines
[lopac] line/text opacity 0.0 (fully transparent) to 1.0 (fully opaque), default=1.0
[pcolor] polygon fill color (default = black), use none for no fill
[popac] polygon fill opacity 0.0 (fully transparent) to 1.0 (fully opaque), default=1.0
[tcolor] text color (default = black), use none for no text
[font] name of labelling font (default = sans-serif)
[fsize] font size (default = 14)

svg_poly biomass_6_14_eqa.bmp biomass_6_14_eqa.dem_par forest.poly biomass_6_14.svg

Draws the polygons from forest.poly on the image biomass_6_14_eqa.bmp using standard values for color, linesize etc and stores the image in biomass_6_14.svg a scalable vector graphics file. It can be viewed by any SVG capable graphics program such as inkscape, sodipodi or a standard web browser.

svg_poly draws polygon information on an image and stores in SVG XML format that can be displayed in a wide range of graphics software and image browsers. Its advantage is its portability and the vector format that allows to scale text and lines without quality loss. SVG is an open standard published by the World Wide Web Consortium. The resulting SVG file can be edited in any text editor.

All messages are generally self-explanatory.

W3C page: Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG)

© Copyrights for Documentation, and Reference Manual by Gamma Remote Sensing, 2007.
awi, last change 21-May-2007.