Gamma ISP: Reference Manual


(ANSI C programs)

There are two main approaches to display the various image data:
1. To use one of the display programs (names start with dis) to directly display the data on the screen
2. To first use one of the programs to generate a SUN raster or BMP format image (names start with ras), and then to display the image using an external viewer such as xv or disras.

In addition there is a program to interactely edit the phase unwrapping flag file to assist correcting phase unwrapping errors tree_edit and programs to simultaniously display the map projection coordinates of DEM or raster image data disdem_par, and disras_dem_par when there is an associated map projection parameter file.

DISP display tools

dis2SLC Display magnitude of two complex data sets and rapidly switch display
dis2cc Display two float correlation data sets and rapidly switch display
dis2hgt Display two float height data sets (height only) and rapidly switch display
dis2mph Display two complex data sets (magnitude/phase) and rapidly switch display
dis2pwr Display magnitude of 2 real data sets and rapidly switch display
dis2ras Display two SUN raster or BMP format images 8 or 24 bits/pixel switch display
dis2rmg Display two real unwrapped phase data sets rapidly (phase only) switch display
dis_dB Display magnitude of real data (float) using dB scale
dis_linear Display magnitude of real data (float) using linear scale
disSLC Display magnitude of complex data (floating point or short integer)
disbyte Display byte data
discc Display interferometric correlation and scatter intensity
disflag Display phase unwrapping flagfile
disdem_par dsiplay DEM as shaded relief with map projection coordinates
dishgt Display height map (float)
dismph Display magnitude and phase of complex data (float)
dismph_fft Display magnitude of complex data (float) and fft for cursor location
dismph_pwr Display phase of complex data and scatter intensity (float)
dismph_ub Display magnitude and phase of complex data (IQ unsigned byte)
dispwr Display magnitude of real data (float)
disras Display image data in SUN raster or BMP format images (8 or 24-bits/pixel)
disras_dem_par Display SUN raster or BMP format images and map projection coordinates (8 or 24-bits/pixel)
disrmg Display unwrapped phase (float)
disshd Display digital terrain data in shaded relief
distree flag file+unwrapped phase+interferometric phase display
tree_edit Display and interactively edit phase unwrapping flag files

DISP tools to generate SUN raster or BMP format images

There are additional notes on the programs

rasSLC Magnitude of complex SAR data (float or short integer)
ras_dB Input image (float) using dB scale
ras_linear Input image (float) using linear scale
rastree Display phase unwrapping data, residues, branch cuts, neutrons, unwrapped and wrapped phase
rasbyte Signed byte data
rascc Interferometric correlation/backscatter intensity
rashgt Interferometric height/backscatter intensity
rashgt_shd Interferometric height/shaded relief
rasmph Interferometric phase/interferometric correlation
rasmph_pwr Interferometric phase/backscatter intensity
raspwr Backscatter intensity for float or short integer data (power law scaling)
rasrmg Unwrapped phase/backscatter intensity
rasshd Shaded relief (as grey-scale image)
rastree Flag file branch cuts/residues/neutrons + unwrapped phase + interferometric phase

Display Programs

Most real valued input data are stored in single-precision 4-byte (32 bits) floating point (float) representation. Examples for real valued data are intensity, correlation, height, and phase files. Complex values are stored as pairs of float (fcomplex) or pairs of short integer (scomplex).

Program Input Parameter(s) Color Brightness
dis2SLC 2 Single Look Complex images (float or short integer complex) none intensity
dis2cc 2 float correlation images correlation constant
dis2hgt 2 height images (float) height constant
dis2mph 2 complex images (float complex) phase intensity
dis2pwr 2 intensity images (float or short integers) none intensity
dis2ras 2 SUN raster or BMP format images raster image raster image
dis2rmg 2 umwrapped phase images phase constant
dis_dB intensity none intensity using dB scale
dis_linear intensity none intensity using linear scale
disSLC Single Look Complex image (float or short integer) none intensity
disbyte signed byte data none value
discc correlation, intensity correlation intensity of the second file
disdem_par DEM heights + DEM parameter file none shaded relief
disflag byte phase unwrapping flag file phase unwrapping flags phase unwrapping flags
dishgt height, intensity wrapped altitude intensity of the second file
dismph complex data (interferograms) phase magnitude
dismph_fft complex data phase + 2D fft magnitude + 2D fft
dismph_pwr intensity, complex data (interferogram) phase intensity
dismph_ub complex as pairs unsigned byte data (IQ raw data) phase magnitude
dispwr intensity (float or short integers) none intensity (power-law scale)
disras SUN raster and BMP format images raster image raster image
disras_dem_par SUN raster and BMP format images and DEM parameter file raster image raster image
disrmg unwrapped phase, intensity unwrapped phase intensity (power-law scale)
disshd height none shaded relief
distree unwrapping flags + unwrapped phase + interferometric phase flag file colors + phase constant, areas not unwrapped are dimmed
tree_edit unwrapping flags + SUN or BMP format raster overlay unwrapping flag file colors + raster image unwrapping flag file colors + raster image

Programs to generate SUN raster and BMP format images

Program Input Parameter(s) Color Brightness
rasSLC complex Single Look Complex (float complex or short integer complex) none. intensity
ras_dB intensity none. value (dB scale)
ras_linear intensity none. value (linear scale)
rasbyte byte data none. intensity
rascc correlation, intensity correlation intensity of the second file
rashgt heights, intensity height intensity of the second file
rashgt_shd heights height shaded relief from heights
rasmph complex (interferogram) phase intensity
rasmph_pwr complex (interferogram), intensity image phase intensity of the second file
raspwr intensity (float or short integer) none value (power-law scale)
rasrmg unwrapped phase, intensity unwrapped phase intensity
rasshd heights none. shaded relief
rastree flag file data, unwrapped phase, interferometric phase phase + flag data: branch cuts, residues, neutrons constant, areas not unwrapped are dimmed

Information on the input required parameters is obtained by running the programs without arguments.

The display programs were moved to the DISP packeage. Source code for these programs is in the DISP source code directory. For more information see the DISP documentation.

© Copyrights for Documentation, Users Guide and Reference Manual by Gamma Remote Sensing, 2000.
UW, CW, last change 2-Oct-2000.