Two formats for SLC data are supported by the ISP.
In the first format the SLC data are in complex floating point representation, each complex sample consists of two 4 byte floating point numbers, real and imaginary part. There is no file header, or zero padding of the data. Each record corresponds to a single range line. The number of samples/line and the number of lines is specified in the SLC data parameter file SLC_par.
The second format is the format provided by ESA Processing Facilities (PAFs). Real and imaginary part of the SLC data are in 2 byte integer format. File header, or zero padding of the data as described in the CEOS leader file. Each record corresponds to a single range line. The number of samples/line and the number of lines is specified in the SLC data parameter file SLC_par
The ISP saves complex valued data (for example the interferogram) as pairs of 4-byte floating point numbers (real part followed by imaginary part). Image width and height correspond to the number of range and azimuth pixels, respectively. No header or zero-padding is used. Image width and height are given in the ISP processing/offset parameter file.
The ISP saves real valued data as 4-byte floating point numbers. Image width and height correspond to the number of range and azimuth pixels, respectively. No header or zero-padding is used. Image width and height are given in the ISP processing/offset parameter file.
© Copyrights for Documentation, Users Guide and Reference Manual by Gamma Remote Sensing, 1996.
UW, CW, last change 24-Apr-1996.