(ASCII file) such as <orbit>.par
<orbit>.par - contains parameter values describing the
SLC/MLI/PRI data file. This information is used throughout the
20322.slc.par, is an SLC parameter file for a SLC (single look
complex) image data set (in slant range geometry).
02166.VV.PRI.par, is an SLC parameter file for a PRI (precision
image, detected) image data set (in ground range
GAMMA Interferometric SAR Processor - SLC Parameter File
Contains parameters associated with the SLC, MLI, PRI data in
slant range or ground range geometry.
This is an example of an SLC parameter file of an SLC image (in slant range geometry):
title: | orbit 20322 |
sensor: | ERS1 |
date: | 1995 10 22 |
start_time: | 37330.44200 s |
center_time: | 37334.98800 s |
end_time: | 37339.53300 s |
azimuth_line_time: | 5.9527273e-04 s |
line_header_size: | 12 |
range_samples: | 2500 |
azimuth_lines: | 15273 |
range_looks: | 1 |
azimuth_looks: | 1 |
image_format: | SCOMPLEX |
image_geometry: | SLANT_RANGE |
range_scale_factor: | 1.0000000 |
azimuth_scale_factor: | 1.0000000 |
center_latitude: | 47.0380 degrees |
center_longitude: | 6.8970 degrees |
heading: | 195.0770 degrees |
range_pixel_spacing: | 7.904000 m |
azimuth_pixel_spacing: | 3.971000 m |
near_range_slc: | 8.51757441e+05 m |
center_range_slc: | 8.61638450e+05 m |
far_range_slc: | 8.71519610e+05 m |
first_slant_range_polynomial: | 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000e+00 0.00000e+00 0.00000e+00 0.00000e+00 s m 1 m^-1 m^-2 m^-3 |
center_slant_range_polynomial: | 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000e+00 0.00000e+00 0.00000e+00 0.00000e+00 s m 1 m^-1 m^-2 m^-3 |
last_slant_range_polynomial: | 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000e+00 0.00000e+00 0.00000e+00 0.00000e+00 s m 1 m^-1 m^-2 m^-3 |
incidence_angle: | 24.8620 degrees |
azimuth_deskew: | ON |
azimuth_angle: | 90.0000 degrees |
radar_frequency: | 5.30000e+09 Hz |
adc_sampling_rate: | 1.89600e+07 Hz |
chirp_bandwidth: | 1.55500e+07 Hz |
prf: | 1.67990e+03 Hz |
azimuth_proc_bandwidth: | 7.64600e+02 Hz |
doppler_polynomial: | 4.50338e+02 0.00e+00 0.00e+00 0.00e+00 Hz Hz/m Hz/m^2 Hz/m^3e |
receiver_gain: | 23.000 dB |
calibration_gain: | 0.000 dB |
sar_to_earth_center: | 7.15769483e+06 m |
earth_radius_below_sensor: | 6.36673403e+06 m |
earth_semi_major_axis: | 6.37814400e+06 m |
earth_semi_minor_axis: | 6.35675500e+06 m |
number_of_state_vectors: | 5 |
time_of_first_state_vector: | 37329.88600 s |
state_vector_interval: | 2.60000 s |
state_vector_position_1: | 4837191.35 950299.47 5189453.59 m m m |
state_vector_velocity_1: | 5570.23920 -913.9411 -5012.2472 m/s m/s m/s |
state_vector_position_2: | 4851657.52 947916.74 5176401.20 m m m |
state_vector_velocity_2: | 5556.29460 -918.7148 -5026.9039 m/s m/s m/s |
state_vector_position_3: | 4866087.37 945521.61 5163310.75 m m m |
state_vector_velocity_3: | 5542.30750 -923.4765 -5041.5237 m/s m/s m/s |
state_vector_position_4: | 4880480.80 943114.12 5150182.33 m m m |
state_vector_velocity_4: | 5528.27810 -928.2262 -5056.1066 m/s m/s m/s |
state_vector_position_5: | 4894837.69 940694.29 5137016.04 m m m |
state_vector_velocity_5: | 5514.20640 -932.9638 -5070.6524 m/s m/s m/s |
This is an example of an SLC parameter file of an ASAR PRI image (IS3 swath, medium resolution, in ground range geometry):
title: | ASA_IMM_1PXPDE20020730_095830_000001002008_00108_02166_0066.N1 |
sensor: | ASAR_IS3_VV |
date: | 2002 7 30 |
start_time: | 35910.48150 s |
center_time: | 35961.35653 s |
end_time: | 36012.23156 s |
azimuth_line_time: | 1.1250559241e-02 s |
line_header_size: | 0 |
range_samples: | 1473 |
azimuth_lines: | 9045 |
range_looks: | 5 |
azimuth_looks: | 8 |
image_format: | SHORT |
image_geometry: | GROUND_RANGE |
range_scale_factor: | 1.0000000 |
azimuth_scale_factor: | 1.0000000 |
center_latitude: | 52.1855505 degrees |
center_longitude: | 5.8036200 degrees |
heading: | -160.8640513 degrees |
range_pixel_spacing: | 75.000000 m |
azimuth_pixel_spacing: | 75.000000 m |
near_range_slc: | 0.0000 m |
center_range_slc: | 55200.0000 m |
far_range_slc: | 110400.0000 m |
first_slant_range_polynomial: | 35910.48150 860339.62500 4.12729e-01 5.53613e-07 -2.71989e-13 -1.26107e-21 s m 1 m^-1 m^-2 m^-3 |
center_slant_range_polynomial: | 35960.60276 859626.18750 4.12642e-01 5.54071e-07 -2.72390e-13 -1.27753e-21 s m 1 m^-1 m^-2 m^-3 |
last_slant_range_polynomial: | 36010.72400 858905.81250 4.12555e-01 5.54533e-07 -2.72795e-13 -1.29337e-21 s m 1 m^-1 m^-2 m^-3 |
incidence_angle: | 28.0840 degrees |
azimuth_deskew: | ON |
azimuth_angle: | 90.0000 degrees |
radar_frequency: | 5.3310044e+09 Hz |
adc_sampling_rate: | 1.9207680e+07 Hz |
chirp_bandwidth: | 1.25400e+07 Hz |
prf: | 2112.59131 Hz |
azimuth_proc_bandwidth: | 45.79026 Hz |
doppler_polynomial: | 133.43103 -3.67699e-03 2.82522e-08 -6.09030e-24 Hz Hz/m Hz/m^2 Hz/m^3 |
receiver_gain: | 7.9934 dB |
calibration_gain: | 0.000 dB |
sar_to_earth_center: | 7156795.0895 m |
earth_radius_below_sensor: | 6364832.9707 m |
earth_semi_major_axis: | 6378137.0000 m |
earth_semi_minor_axis: | 6356752.3141 m |
number_of_state_vectors: | 5 |
time_of_first_state_vector: | 35910.48150 s |
state_vector_interval: | 12.45437 s |
state_vector_position_1: | 4093944.3300 900769.2700 5800310.1300 m m m |
state_vector_velocity_1: | 6191.2877 -890.0012 -4221.8666 m/s m/s m/s |
state_vector_position_2: | 4170698.0300 889539.9600 5747241.9800 m m m |
state_vector_velocity_2: | 6134.1182 -913.2274 -4300.0301 m/s m/s m/s |
state_vector_position_3: | 4246733.0100 878023.0100 5693204.6400 m m m |
state_vector_velocity_3: | 6075.8742 -936.1938 -4377.4997 m/s m/s m/s |
state_vector_position_4: | 4322036.0100 866221.6300 5638207.2300 m m m |
state_vector_velocity_4: | 6016.5728 -958.8998 -4454.2047 m/s m/s m/s |
state_vector_position_5: | 4396593.8800 854139.1500 5582258.9600 m m m |
state_vector_velocity_5: | 5956.2190 -981.3343 -4530.1911 m/s m/s m/s |
The formats are defined in the ISP type definition file
title: | ascii text, identification and description of SLC/MLI/PRI data set |
sensor: | ascii text, identification and description of sensor |
date: | image acquisition date (year month day) |
start_time: | SLC/MLI/PRI data start time (s) |
center_time: | SLC/MLI/PRI data center time (s) |
end_time: | SLC/MLI/PRI data end time (s) |
azimuth_line_time: | time per azimuth line (s) |
line_header_size: | SLC/MLI/PRI data line (record) header size (in bytes) |
range_samples: | complex samples per range line (SLC/MLI/PRI image width) |
azimuth_lines: | number of SLC/MLI/PRI image lines |
range_looks: | multi-looking factor in range (integer) |
azimuth_looks: | multi-looking (presum) faxctor in azimuth (integer) |
image_format: | image format, valid formats are: FCOMPLEX, SCOMPLEX, FLOAT, SHORT, BYTE (ascii text) |
image_geometry: | image geometry, valid image geometries are: SLANT_RANGE, GROUND_RANGE, GEOCODED (ascii text) |
range_scale_factor: | range pixel spacing scale factor (= 1.0 except for data which were resampled to a different geometry |
azimuth_scale_factor: | azimuth pixel spacing scale factor (= 1.0 except for data which were resampled to a different geometry |
center_latitude: | SLC/MLI/PRI image center latitude (decimal degrees) |
center_longitude: | SLC/MLI/PRI image center longitude (decimal degrees |
heading: | orbit heading (decimal degrees), North = 0.0 deg. |
range_pixel_spacing: | SLC/MLI/PRI image range pixel spacing (m) |
azimuth_pixel_spacing: | SLC/MLI/PRI image azimuth pixel spacing (m) |
near_range_slc: | near swath slant / ground range (m) |
center_range_slc: | center swath slant / ground range (m) |
far_range_slc: | far swath slant / ground range (m) |
first_slant_range_polynomial: | first polynomial to calculate slant range from ground
range sr0[0] contains the reference orbit time for the polynomial, slant range = sr0[1] + sr0[2]*(GR-r0) + sr0[3]*(GR-r0)**2 + sr0[4]*(GR-r0)**3 + sr0[5]*(GR-r0)**4 (r0 is the ground range of the first pixel) |
incidence_angle: | center swath incidence angle (degrees) |
azimuth_deskew: | azimuth deskew of SLC/MLI/PRI (ON, OFF) |
azimuth_angle: | antenna azimuth angle (+90=Right side looking, -90.0=left side looking) (degrees) |
radar_frequency: | SAR frequency (Hz) |
adc_sampling_rate: | Analog digital converter sampling rate (Hz) |
chirp_bandwidth: | SAR chirp bandwidth (Hz) |
prf: | pulse repetition frequency (Hz) |
azimuth_proc_bandwidth: | azimuth SAR processing bandwidth (Hz) |
doppler_polynomial: | doppler polynomial (third order in slant range) |
receiver_gain: | SAR receiver attenuator gain (dB) |
calibration_gain: | relative or absolution radiometric calibration gain factor (dB) |
sar_to_earth_center: | distance from SAR sensor to Earth center (m) |
earth_radius_below_sensor: | Earth radius below sensor (m) |
earth_semi_major_axis: | Earth reference ellipsoid semi-major axis (m) |
earth_semi_minor_axis: | Earth reference ellipsoid semi-minor axis (m) |
number_of_state_vectors: | number of state vectors listed in this file/TD> |
time_of_first_state_vector: | time of first state vector (s) |
state_vector_interval: | time interval between state vectors (s) |
state_vector_position_1: | (x,y,z)-coordinates of state vector 1 (m) |
state_vector_velocity_1: | (x,y,z)-coordinates of velocity of state vector 1 (m/sec) |
state_vector_position_2: | (x,y,z)-coordinates of state vector 2 (m) |
state_vector_velocity_2: | (x,y,z)-coordinates of velocity of state vector 2 (m/sec) |
state_vector_position_3: | (x,y,z)-coordinates of state vector 3 (m) |
state_vector_velocity_3: | (x,y,z)-coordinates of velocity of state vector 3 (m/sec) |
state_vector_position_4: | (x,y,z)-coordinates of state vector 4 (m) |
state_vector_velocity_4: | (x,y,z)-coordinates of velocity of state vector 4 (m/sec) |
state_vector_position_5: | (x,y,z)-coordinates of state vector 5 (m) |
state_vector_velocity_5: | (x,y,z)-coordinates of velocity of state vector 5 (m/sec) |
<orbit>.slc.par, <orbit>.mli.par,
<orbit>.pri.par, - contain parameter values describing the
SLC/MLI/PRI data file. The SLC parameter file is used throughout
For SLC data processed with the Gamma Modular SAR Processor (MSP) the SLC parameter file is generated from the MSP Processing Parameter file p<orbit>.slc.par using par_MSP. For SLC/MLI/PRI data processed by an external processing facility, one of the included programs to interpret the CEOS leader file provided with the SLC/MLI/PRI data can be used to extract the parameters for the SLC parameter file.
The formats used in <orbit>.par are defined in the in ISP type definition file typedef_ISP.h.
Users Guide, typedef_ISP.h, SLC parameter files
© Copyrights for Documentation, Users Guide and Reference Manual by Gamma Remote Sensing, 2002.
UW, CW, last change 6-Nov-2002.