ANSI-C program: ORRM_vec.c
ORRM_vec - extracts ERS state vectors from orbit data provided by
ESA in the ORRM (preliminary restituted orbit) files and places
these vectors in the SLC parameter file. The ORRM format files
are obsolete and have been replaced with the Precision Orbit
format *.PRC.
ORRM_vec <SLC_par> <ORRM>
<SLC_par> | parameter file for SLC |
<ORRM> | ORRM state vector file |
[nstate] | number of state vectors (default=5, maximum=9) |
ORRM_vec 1352.par 1352.orrm 5
ORRM_vec reads the ISP SLC/MLI image parameter file and extracts
the specified number of state vectors from the ORRM state vector
file. This program is used with processed image data sets that do
not have adequate state vector data. The default number of state
vectors is 5 and is adequate unless multiple frame images are
processed with the ISP. ORRM orbit data were distributed by ESA
for ERS-1 data spanning 1991-1994. These data are still generated
but not distributed except by special agreement. This product has
now been replaced by the Precision Orbit data set (PRC) for both
ERS-1 and ERS-2. These orbit data are available from an FTP
server in Germany with a delay of about 1 month after data
acquisition by ERS. Apply to the ESA HelpDesk at ESA ESRIN to get
an account to access these data. Use the program PRC_vec to state vectors from the PRC data
The state vectors in the SLC parameter file are used for the removal of the average phase trend in the interferogram and for the derivation of the interferometric baseline.
typedef_ISP.h, SLC_par , PRC
© Copyrights for Documentation, Users Guide and Reference Manual by Gamma Remote Sensing, 2000.
UW, CW, last change 28-Jan-2000.