Gamma ISP: Reference Manual


ANSI-C program: RSAT2_vec.c

<SLC_par> (input) SLC image parameter file
<rsat2_orb> Radarsat-2 definitive orbit data file available from MDA. (orbit_number_def.orb)
[nstate] number of state vectors to extract (enter - for default: 9)


RSAT2_vec 20090608.slc.par 07748_def.orb

RSAT2_vec.c The extracts precision state vectors from the definitive orbit data files 

The ISP image state vectors include both the position and velocity.  The *.orb orbit state vector files available from MDA contain state vectors covering 130.8 minutes. The files are numbered sequenctly by orbit number. Each Radarsat-2 orbit lasts approximately 100.5 minutes, hence the orbit files overlap by 30 minutes. This overlap ensures that there are ample state vectors in any file for a particular image. It is possible that state vectors for for a specific image exist in more than one state vector file if the state vector data are in the overlap region.

The state vectors are provided at 4 second intervals in the orb file and are copied directly to the ISP image parameter file. The state vectors are in Earth Centered Earth Fixed (ECEF) coordinates as required by the Gamma Software. The user can specify a larger number of state vectors than the default value of 9 up to a maximum of 64.

Users Guide, typedef_ISP.h, ISP Image Parameter File.

© Copyrights for Documentation, Users Guide and Reference Manual by Gamma Remote Sensing, 2010.
UW, CW, last change 13-May-2010.