Gamma ISP: Reference Manual


ANSI-C program: SLC_cat.c

SLC_cat - Concatenate a pair of SLC images using 2-D SINC interpolation

SLC_cat <SLC-1> <SLC-2> <SLC1_par> <SLC2_par> <OFF_par> <SLC-3> <SLC3_par> [dopflg][iflg]

<SLC-1> (input) SLC-1 image (scomplex or fcomplex)
<SLC-2> (input) SLC-2 image to be appended to SLC-1
<SLC1_par> (input) SLC-1 ISP image parameter file
<SLC2_par> (input) SLC-2 ISP image parameter file
<OFF_par> (input) ISP offset parameter file containing offset polynomials between SLC-1 and SLC-2
(output) concatenated SLC
<SLC3_par> (output) ISP image parameter file for concatenated image
[dopflg] Doppler flag:
   0: ignore Doppler centroid information, assume 0 Doppler centroid
   1: use Doppler centroid information for interpolation (default)

interferogram flag:
  0: check SLC data type (default)
  1: force data type to be fcomplex as required when concatenating single-look interferograms


SLC_cat slc/20110324T123632.slc slc/20110324T123637.slc slc/20110324T123632.slc.par slc/20110324T123637.slc.par cat_slc/ cat_slc/20110324T123632.slc cat_slc/20110324T123632.slc.par

Concatenate 2 SLCs and generate an output SLC. Use the offset polynomial information in the OFF_par file to concatenate the files. Use the doppler centroid information to perform the interpolation.


SLC_cat is a program to concatenate 2 SLCs processed to the same doppler centroid. The offset parameter file OFF_par is used to contain information on spatial offset between the SLCs in both range and azimuth. The program assumes that any phase discontinuity between the SLCs is small.  A 7 point SINC interpolator is used to resample the SLC-2 into the geometry of SLC-1 using the offset polynomial information contained in the OFF_par file. SLC-2 must have some overlap with SLC-1.

SLC-2 nominally begins towards the end of SLC-1. The offset between the SLCs should be estimated initially using the program init_offset_orbit.  Then use offset_pwr and offset_fit to determine the offset polynomial between the SLCs. This last step is essential if the azimuth_line_time (time interval between range lines) changes between SLC-2 and SLC-1.  The commands for concatenating a pair of TerraSAR-X SLC data  is shown below. Note that the SLC names have been selected to include the time of day for the start of the SLC data to differentiate the two SLCs in the track.  The T delimeter in the SLC file name seperates the day from the time of day in UTC.

mkdir cat_slc
create_offset slc/20110324T123632.slc.par slc/20110324T123637.slc.par cat_slc/ <

#set the location to estimate offset in last 1/8 SLC section of SLC-2 at line 24806
init_offset_orbit slc/20110324T123632.slc.par slc/20110324T123637.slc.par cat_slc/ 8346 24806.25
initial range offset: 0.0000   initial azimuth offset: -16077.0871

init_offset slc/20110324T123632.slc slc/20110324T123637.slc slc/20110324T123632.slc.par slc/20110324T123637.slc.par cat_slc/ 1 1 8346 24806.25 - - 7 512 512 1

offset estimate range:     -0.00194   azimuth: -16077.07295
correlation SNR:   1401.461
output ISP offset parameter file: cat_slc/

offset_pwr slc/20110324T123632.slc slc/20110324T123637.slc slc/20110324T123632.slc.par slc/20110324T123637.slc.par cat_slc/ cat_slc/20110324T123632_20110324T123637.offs cat_slc/20110324T123632_20110324T123637.snr

offset_fit cat_slc/20110324T123632_20110324T123637.offs cat_slc/20110324T123632_20110324T123637.snr cat_slc/ cat_slc/20110324T123632_20110324T123637.coffs - - 3

final range offset poly. coeff.:              0.00033  -9.01314e-09  -6.75986e-09
final range offset poly. coeff. errors:   9.13611e-06   2.75036e-10   4.01921e-10

final azimuth offset poly. coeff.:         -16077.08145   5.29725e-09   2.06473e-07
final azimuth offset poly. coeff. errors:   1.31867e-05   3.96975e-10   5.80115e-10

final model fit std. dev. (samples) range:   0.0013  azimuth:   0.0019

This analysis shows that there are a fixted number of lines offset between SLC2 and SLC1. The script SLC_cat_all  located in DIFF/scripts can be used to concatenate SLCs listed in two SLC_tab files.

This program can also be used to concatenate a pair of interferograms if the geometry of the interferograms matches the dimensions specified by the SLC/MLI parameter file. If a multi-look interferogram has been generated, use the MLI parameter files that describe the number of looks used to generate the interferogram.  In the case of concatenating interferograms, set the dopflg parameter to 0, to avoid using the doppler centroid information of the SLCs.


This program can also be used to concatenate interferograms if the interferogram is single-look with the same geometry as the SLC. In this case it is necessary to set the iflg command line parameter to 1 forcing the data type to be fcomplex. 

The user can specify via the dopflg command-line parameter to ingnore the Doppler centroid infromation when interpolating data other tha SAR data. This is essential when interpolating data that is not actually an SLC such as an interferogram.

SLC_parinit_offset_orbit, offset_pwr, offset_fit, SLC_cat_all

© Copyrights for Documentation, Users Guide and Reference Manual by Gamma Remote Sensing, 2015.
CW, last change 2-Jul-2015