Perl script: SLC_copy_WB
SLC_copy_WB - Create a new set of SLCs for all beams in a
SLC_copy_WB <SLC_tab>
<SLC_tab> | (input) two column list of input SLC files and SLC ISP
image parameter files (including paths) (text) |
<SLC2_dir> | directory to contain copied segments of the input SLC
data and the associated parameter files |
SLC_WBs_20071020_tab slc_WBs2
Table of SLC images and parameter files:
Output resampled SLC directory: slc_WBs2
The next step in processing
the SCANSAR data to generate a mosaic of the single beam images
is to extract a section of each SLC the lies on a common grid of
the multi-look image pixels. The starting range and azimuth time
of the multi-look (MLI) images produced from the SLCs must be on
this grid to avoid the need to perform resampling the data using
spline or SINC interpolation. A ISP script SLC_copy_WB determines the offset
parameters required to call the ISP program SLC_copy that extracts the section of
the SLC from each beam that falls on the common muli-look pixel
Required input to
SLC_copy_WB is a 2 column list
of the SLC images and parameter files produced generated using
the mk_tab script
located in the DIFF/scripts directory. mk_tab uses as input the
directory containing the image and parameter files, and the
extentions of the files, in this case SLC and SLC parameter
$ mk_tab
*** Copyright 2011, Gamma Remote Sensing, v1.2 29-Apr-2011 clw
*** Generate SLC_tab, MLI_tab, or RAW_list for processing
/home/cw/GPRI2/trunk/software/mk_tab <dir> <ext-1>
<ext-2> <tab>
(input) directory including paths that contain the data files
ext-1 (input) pattern to select data files (examples: slc,
ext-2 (input) pattern to select parameter files that match the
data (enter - for none, examples:
slc.par, raw_par, raw.par)
Use mk_tab to generate the SLC_tab files required by
SLC_copy_WB. The
extension parameters ext-1 and ext-2 can including globbing
characters such as
? and * to select specific files, see
for details.
To generate the associated
SLC_tab files for each set of
single-beam SLC images:
mk_tab slc_WBs 20071020_?.slc
mk_tab slc_WBs 20101028_?.slc20101028_?.slc.par
#Now extract sections
of each beam so that mosaic is possible with integer offsets
using SLC_copy_WB
SLC_copy_WB SLC_WBs_20071020_tab
SLC_copy_WB SLC_WBs_20101028_tab
Example screen output for
20071020 data:
SLC_tab table of SLC
images and parameter files: SLC_WBs_20071020_tab
output resampled SLC directory: slc_WBs2
processing start: Sat Apr 9 20:59:37 2011
SLC: 1
slc_WBs/20071020_1.slc slc_WBs/20071020_1.slc.par
SLC start_time (s): 79428.200226 r0 (m): 743400.155 r2 (m):
789483.875 nr: 4920
SLC range pixel spacing (m): 9.368514 azimuth line time (s):
naz: 114526
SLC: 2
slc_WBs/20071020_2.slc slc_WBs/20071020_2.slc.par naz: 114231
SLC start_time (s): 79428.418776 r0 (m): 783273.151 r2 (m):
826958.532 nr: 4664
SLC range pixel spacing (m): 9.368514 azimuth line time (s):
SLC: 3 slc_WBs/20071020_3.slc slc_WBs/20071020_3.slc.par naz:
SLC start_time (s): 79428.659181 r0 (m): 820447.116 r2 (m):
870428.139 nr: 5336
SLC range pixel spacing (m): 9.368514 azimuth line time (s):
SLC: 4
slc_WBs/20071020_4.slc slc_WBs/20071020_4.slc.par naz: 113609
SLC start_time (s): 79428.082581 r0 (m): 863167.092 r2 (m):
904454.133 nr: 4408
SLC range pixel spacing (m): 9.368514 azimuth line time (s):
SLC: 5
slc_WBs/20071020_5.slc slc_WBs/20071020_5.slc.par naz: 113346
SLC start_time (s): 79428.313686 r0 (m): 893596.176 r2 (m):
937281.557 nr: 4664
SLC range pixel spacing (m): 9.368514 azimuth line time (s):
maximum start time:
79428.659181 SLC: 3
beam: 1 time offset: 1.13460e-01 line offset: 987
near slant range (m): 743400.155 difference to near range beam
(m): 0.000
range offset (samples) to start of output SLC: 0
range samples: 0
beam: 2 time offset:
1.13460e-01 line offset: 517 range samples: 4256
near slant range (m): 783273.151 difference to near range beam
(m): 39872.997
range offset (samples) to start of output SLC:
beam: 3 time offset:
1.13460e-01 line offset: 0 range samples: 8224
near slant range (m): 820447.116 difference to near range beam
(m): 77046.961
range offset (samples) to start of output SLC:
beam: 4 time offset:
1.13460e-01 line offset: 1240 range samples: 12783
near slant range (m): 863167.092 difference to near range beam
(m): 119766.937
range offset (samples) to start of output SLC:
beam: 5 time offset:
1.13460e-01 line offset: 743 range samples: 16032
near slant range (m): 893596.176 difference to near range beam
(m): 150196.022
range offset (samples) to start of output SLC: 12
SLC_copy slc_WBs/20071020_1.slc
slc_WBs2/20071020_1.slc.par 1 - 0 -
987 113346
SLC_copy slc_WBs/20071020_2.slc
slc_WBs/20071020_2.slc.par slc_WBs2/20071020_2.slc
slc_WBs2/20071020_2.slc.par 1 - 4 - 517 113346
SLC_copy slc_WBs/20071020_3.slc
slc_WBs/20071020_3.slc.par slc_WBs2/20071020_3.slc
slc_WBs2/20071020_3.slc.par 1 - 8 - 0 113346
SLC_copy slc_WBs/20071020_4.slc
slc_WBs/20071020_4.slc.par slc_WBs2/20071020_4.slc
slc_WBs2/20071020_4.slc.par 1 - 8 - 1240 113346
SLC_copy slc_WBs/20071020_5.slc
slc_WBs/20071020_5.slc.par slc_WBs2/20071020_5.slc
slc_WBs2/20071020_5.slc.par 1 - 12 - 743 113346
*** ./SLC_copy_WB
processing end: Sat Apr 9 21:12:54 2011 ***
mk_tab, mosaic_WB , SLC_copy