Gamma ISP: Reference Manual


ANSI-C program: SLC_corners.c

SLC_corners - calculate image corner and center coordinates in lat/lon. Calculate minimum and maximum values of latitde and longitude.

SLC_corners <SLC_par> [terra_alt]

<SLC_par> (input) ISP SLC/MLI image parameter file (text format)
(input) average terrain altitude (default: 300.000 meters)


SLC_corners 19971018.mli.par

SLC_corners determines the latitude and longitude (decimal degrees) of the corners and center pixel of an SLC or MLI  SAR image. The image can be in either ground-range or slant-range geometry. The average terrain height can be entered on the command line.

also calculates the minimum and maximum values of the latitude and logititude as well as the differences in latitude and longitude for the image. The differences are useful for determining the section of a larger DEM required for terrain geocoding of a SAR images. The coordinates are calculated on the basis of the WGS84 ellipsoid. The default terrain altitude above the ellipsoid is 300 meters, but can be changed by entering a value for the terr_alt parameter on the command line. An example of the output is shown below with a nominal terrain altitude selected to be 1000 meters:

$ SLC_corners 19990915.slc.par 1000
*** Calculate SLC/MLI image corners in geodetic latitude and longitude (deg.)
*** Copyright 2010, Gamma Remote Sensing, v1.5 5-Oct-2010 clw ***

latitude (deg.):      35.10047588  longitude (deg.):    -115.54173894
latitude (deg.):      35.28374024  longitude (deg.):    -116.61026273
latitude (deg.):      34.16197807  longitude (deg.):    -115.79043064
latitude (deg.):      34.34472513  longitude (deg.):    -116.84555720

center latitude (deg.):    34.73052463  center longitude (deg.):  -116.23491341
min. latitude (deg.):      34.16197807  max. latitude (deg.):       35.28374024
min. longitude (deg.):   -116.84555720  max. longitude (deg.):    -115.54173894
delta latitude (deg.):      1.12176217  delta longitude (deg.):      1.30381826


The output is sent to the standard output file that can be redirected using the > shell redirection.

SLC_corners 19971018.mli.par > 19971018.corners


© Copyrights for Documentation, Users Guide and Reference Manual by Gamma Remote Sensing, 2010.
UW, CW, last change 5-Oct-2010