Gamma ISP: Reference Manual

Create SLC Parameter File

ANSI-C programs: par_ACS_ERS.c, par_ASAR.c, par_ASF_91.c, par_ASF_96.c, par_ASF_PRI.c, par_ASF_RSAT_SS.c, par_ATLSCI_ERS.c, par_CS_SLC.c, par_CS_SLC_TIF.c, par_EORC_JERS_SLC.c, par_EORC_PALSAR.c, par_ERSDAC_PALSAR.c, par_ESA_ERS.c, par_IECAS_SLC.c, par_KC_PALSAR_slr.c, par_KS_DGM.c, par_KS_SLC.c, par_PRI.c, par_PRI_ESRIN_JERS.c, par_PulSAR.c, par_RISAT_SLC.c, par_RSAT_SCW.c, par_RSAT_SGF.c, par_RSAT_SLC.c, par_RSAT2_SG.c, par_RSAT2_SLC.c, par_RSI_ERS.c, par_SETHI_ONERA.c, par_SIRC.c, par_TX_GRD.c, par_TX_SLC.c, par_UAVSAR_SLC.c.


par_<facility> - creates SLC Parameter File from CEOS Leader files or similar annotation (e.g. xml file) for a number of SAR sensors as provided with the SLC or PRI data by different receiving stations / processing facilities, or from the Gamma MSP Processing Parameter File.

par_<facility> reads the original data file(s), searches for information needed for ISP SLC/MLI image  parameter file, and creates the ISP SLC/MLI image  parameter file. If needed, it reformats the image data to adhere to the format of the GAMMA software.

Program: Sensor Image Type and Facility
par_ACS_ERS ERS SLC data from the ACS processor used by Indian PAF
par_ASAR ENVISAT ASAR SLC (Alternating Polarization, Image Mode, Wide Swath modes) and PRI data (also Global Monitoring mode)
par_ASF_91 various SLC data from Alaskan SAR Facility, Fairbanks (1991-1996)
par_ASF_96 various SLC data from Alaskan SAR Facility, Fairbanks (after 1996)
par_ASF_PRI various Ground range detected images produced by the Alaskan SAR Facility, Fairbanks after 1996, available for ERS-1, ERS-2, Radarsat-1, and JERS-1
par_ASF_RSAT_SS RADARSAT-1 Ground range detected SCANSAR images produced by the Alaskan SAR Facility
par_ATLSCI_ERS ERS SLC data produced using the Atlantis APP processor (CCRS)
par_CS_SLC COSMO-SkyMed COSMO-Skymed SLC data in HDF5 format produced by ASI
par_CS_SLC_TIF COSMO-SkyMed COSMO-Skymed SLC data in TIF format produced by ASI
par_EORC_JERS_SLC JERS SLC data produced by JAXA EORC
par_EORC_PALSAR ALOS PALSAR Level 1.1 SLC data produced by JAXA EORC
par_ERSDAC_PALSAR JERS Level 1.1 SLC data produced by ERSDAC
par_ESA_ERS ERS SLC data from the German, ASI, UK or ESRIN PAF, either VMP or PGS processed data
Generate ISP image parameter file and SLC image in fcomplex format
par_KC_PALSAR_slr ALOS PALSAR Detected SAR intensity data strips in slant range geometry produced by JAXA EORC for the Kyoto and Carbon Initiative
par_KS_DGM KOMPSAT-5 Kompsat-5 DGM (Level 1B) data as provided by KARI
par_KS_SLC KOMPSAT-5 Kompsat-5 SCS (Level 1A) data as provided by KARI
par_MSP various SLC data processed with the Gamma MSP module
par_PRI ERS PRI ground range data produced by ESA PAFs
par_PRI_ESRIN_JERS JERS-1 PRI ground range data produced by ESA ESRIN
par_PulSAR ERS SLC data processed using the PulSAR SAR processor from Phoenix Systems
par_RISAT_GRD RISAT-1 Read RISAT-1 Ground-Range data from a CEOS data set and perform radiometric calibration
Read RISAT-1 CEOS format SLC data and perform radiometric calibration
par_RSAT_SCW RADARSAT-1 Wide-swath SCANSAR images (8-bit/value ),
par_RSAT_SGF RADARSAT-1 Radarsat stripmap path images (SGF) are analogous to ESA ERS PRI images
par_RSAT_SLC RADARSAT-1 Radarsat strip map SLC data processed by Radarsat International (RSI), Atlantis APP SAR processor, or the ASF BPP processor
par_RSAT2_SG RADARSAT-2 Radarsat ground range SGF/SGX data processed by Radarsat International (RSI)
par_RSAT2_SLC RADARSAT-2 Radarsat strip map SLC data processed by Radarsat International (RSI)
par_RSI_ERS ERS SLC data processed by Radarsat International (RSI)
par_S1_GRD Sentinel-1 Generate GRD parameter and image files for Sentinel-1 Intensity Ground Range Data
par_S1_SLC Sentinel-1 Generate SLC parameter and image files for Sentinel-1 SLC data
par_SETHI_ONERA SETHI SLC data from SETHI instrument processed by ONERA
par_SIRC SIR-C SLC data from JPL or USGS EOC
par_TX_GRD TerraSAR-X MGD, i.e. PRI, ground range data processed by DLR
par_TX_SLC TerraSAR-X SSC, i.e. SLC, data processed by DLR
MLC,SLC data products processed by JPL

par_ESA_ERS LEA_01.001 19950922.par DAT_01.001 19950922.slc
par_ASF LEA_01.001TLR_01.001 19950922.par
par_MSP ERS_ESA.par p19950922.slc.par 19950922.par
par_S1_SLC measurement/s1a-iw1-slc-vv-20140809t165546-20140809t165611-001866-001c20-004.tiff  annotation/s1a-iw1-slc-vv-20140809t165546-20140809t165611-001866-001c20-004.xml  annotation/calibration/calibration-s1a-iw1-slc-vv-20140809t165546-20140809t165611-001866-001c20-004.xml  -  slc_TOPS/20140809_iw1_vv.slc.par  slc_TOPS/20140809_iw1_vv.slc slc_TOPS/20140809_iw1_vv.tops_par

The ISP has a standard parameter file format to describe SLC and multi-look intensity image products. In this way data from many different processors can be used by the ISP.  For processed SLC or ground range data, a CEOS format leader file or an annotated file is provided by the processing facility. In a few cases the annotation is stored in the same file as the image data (e.g. ENVISAT ASAR). Parameters from these files can be extracted, and the necessary calculations performed to generate the ISP image parameter file.

For data processed through the MSP, the MSP processing parameter and sensor parameter files  provide the necessary information.

In the case of  data processed from RADARSAT-1 and RISAT-1, the image needs to reformatted and possibly flipped in range or in the along-track direction such that the direction of range and azimuth time is always increasing for processing with the Gamma software.

Sentinel-1 TOPS mode SLC data consist of a set of bursts (nominally 10) in a single SLC. Since there are 3 Swaths in Interferometric Wide mode (IW), there are 3 SLC images saved as TIFF format images in each image data set. These have names like s1a-iw1-slc-vv-20140809t165546-20140809t165611-001866-001c20-004.tiff. The data are short complex (16 bit real, 16 imaginary), but are converted to float complex (32-bit real, 32-bit imaginary) after scaling by the program par_S1_TOPS.c The output of par_S1_SLC are a binary float complex image, the SLC parameter file and a Burst parameter file called the TOPS_par. See TOPS_par documentation.

typedef_ISP.hpar_all_rsat, par_all_ers, par_all_palsar, TOPS_par

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UW, CW,  ms last change 9-Dec-2014.